Special Issue Theme: Fostering Socially and Ecologically Resilient Food and Farm Systems Through Research Networks
JAFSCD, INFAS, and eOrganic are calling for submissions that help reveal whether and in what ways research networks can help regenerative agriculture (including organic and sustainable agriculture) better deliver on its promise of providing enhanced social and environmental benefits.
We seek empirically based, transdisciplinary contributions at the intersection of scientific, policy, political, legal, practice, and civic arenas that validate regenerative agriculture practices that are ecologically and socially resilient. We are particularly interested in how transdisciplinary research networks can foster food and farming systems that maximize social and environmental goods related to health, fairness, and care.
Examples of topics:
All manuscripts require presubmission review and approval by the special issue guest editors. To express interest in submitting for the special issue, complete the JAFSCD query form.
Note that JAFSCD’s article publication charge (APC) of US$750 will be covered by the sponsors for approximately 12 papers accepted for the special issue.
Questions? Email the lead special issue guest editor, Jessica Guarino
Submission for presubmission review: 9/30/2022
Notification of invitation to submit a full paper: 10/31/2022
Submission of final manuscript: 2/28/2023
Special Issue Sponsors:
Inter-institutional Network for Food, Agriculture, and Sustainability (INFAS), and eOrganic
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Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
JAFSCD Special Announcement ~ August 23, 2022
JAFSCD is published with the support of our annual partners:
INFAS Becomes Newest JAFSCD Partner
August 23, 2022, Ithaca, NY USA — The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD) is very pleased to announce that the Inter-institutional Network for Food, Agriculture, and Sustainability (INFAS) has become a JAFSCD Partner, contributing to JAFSCD’s community-supported journal model on a sustaining basis. JAFSCD's innovative model makes its content open access — freely available to all, worldwide. INFAS joins six other leading North American university programs focused on food systems as JAFSCD partners.*Christine Porter at the University of Wyoming, who currently chairs the committee that leads INFAS, says she is especially excited about this expansion of the collaboration because “this partnership offers members of the network new opportunities to raise the visibility of their action and research and, moreover, of entire arenas of promising solutions that may not yet be getting enough attention in academic or policy circles.”
Given INFAS’s vision for a U.S. food system that is environmentally sustainable and socially just, JAFSCD is pleased to provide special publishing opportunities for INFAS members, including to guest-edit special topic sections. This expands on previous collaborations, including INFAS-sponsored issues in 2016 on "Labor in the Food System from Farm to Table" and in 2021 on "The Impact of COVID-19 on the Food System."
The first special-topic collaboration as partners is "Justice and Equity Approaches to College and University Student Food (In)Security." That collection of papers will be published in a forthcoming issue.A new, second collaboration is a special issue on the topic "Fostering Socially and Ecologically Resilient Food and Farm Systems Through Research Networks." The call for papers was just announced. The submission deadline for presubmission review for this special issue is Sept. 30, 2022, with invitations for full papers to be sent out on Oct. 31, 2022, and full manuscripts due Feb. 28, 2023. Learn more at the JAFSCD website or contact the lead special issue guest editor, Jessica Guarino (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). Please share this opportunity with your networks!
Dr. Porter invites food system scholars, educators, and action-researcher activists across North America to join INFAS and collaborate to help catalyze this food system work, raise its visibility, diversify who is doing it, and increase the institutional capacity to do it.
INFAS is led by an executive committee of faculty serving at institutions across the U.S. and operates primarily through working groups in food system research, education, extension, justice, and organizational development. INFAS members are eligible to join working groups, as well as engage with INFAS fellowship/mentorship program partnerships and participate in INFAS professional development and networking opportunities. Thanks to an endowment from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, joining is free! For more information, contact INFAS coordinator Ben Cousineau.
* JAFSCD’s six additional partners include Food Systems at the University of Vermont (UVM); the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF); Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU)'s Institute for Sustainable Food Systems; and in a joint share, the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS); Clemson University Land-Grant Local Food Systems Solutions; and the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP).
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JAFSCD is published by the Thomas A. Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems, a project of the Center for Transformative Action (an affiliate of Cornell University). CTA is a 501(c)(3) organization that accepts donations on our behalf. We welcome donations, which are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.