

Learning from Uncertainty:  

Building a Resilient and Sustainable Latin America and the Caribbean 

July 5 – 6, 2022 

                                                                                                       2022 AIB-LAC CONFERENCE PROGRAM IS AVAILABLE!

Don't miss the chance to attend the AIB-LAC conference in Miami this year! Check out our draft program schedule:

If you have not registered yet, please proceed to: and enjoy the benefits of our conference in Miami. 

The conference will take place at FlU (on Bricknell Avenue) starting  July 5th with a full day of sessions and panels, followed by our Gala Dinner aboard the Midnight Sun Charter Yacht departing from the Venetian Marina. On July 6th, we continue with additional sessions and keynote speakers experts in the LAC area.  We end with our Cuervo-Cazurra & Newburry Awards and Closing Ceremonies, where we will honor our best researchers and announce the location of our next conference for 2023. 

As always, we promise you much fun and learning. Come join us in MIami!

2022 AIB-LAC Organizing Committee

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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