Moving Beyond Templates in
Qualitative IB Research Webinar

Host: AIB Research Methods SIG

Time: 19 May 2022, 21:00 UTC (View Local Time)



This webinar, the latest in a series facilitated by AIB’s Research Methods Shared Interest Group, will discuss the benefits and limitations of using templates for both conducting qualitative data analysis and reporting findings from qualitative work.

Save your spot today—registration is free and open to the public, but you must sign up by 18 May in order to take part. Brief bios for each of our distinguished panel participants are available below.




Vikram Bhakoo: Dr. Vikram Bhakoo is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Department of Management & Marketing, University of Melbourne, Australia. His principal domain of interest is supply chain management where he focuses on two key themes: technology and innovation management and sustainability. He has researched these topics across a wide range of industries including textiles, seafood, consumer electronics and healthcare. His current research within the sustainability domain seeks to develop a better understanding of the consequences of modern slavery legislations and mechanisms on mitigating it. He has published his work in journals such as the Journal of Operations ManagementJournal of Business EthicsJournal of Supply Chain Management, Organizational Research Methods as well as book chapters and conference proceedings. He is currently the Associate Editor for Journal of Supply Chain Management & International Journal of Logistics Management. In addition, he also serves on the editorial review boards of Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences and Organizational Research Methods. His research agenda continues to draw support from the Australian Research Council and the University of Melbourne.

Tine Köhler: Dr. Tine Köhler is Associate Professor for International Management in the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research focuses on Global Teamwork and Research Methods and Statistics. Dr. Köhler is co-Editor-in-Chief of Organizational Research Methods (ORM) and a former associate editor of the journal Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) and ORM. She serves as editorial board member for Journal of Management Studies, AMLE, Journal of Management Education, Small Group Research (SGR), and the book series Research Methods in Strategy and Management. Her work has appeared in Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, European Journal Work Organizational Psychology, SGR, AMLE, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Psychological Methods, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and ORM.

Anne Smith: Anne Smith (B.S., UVA; MBA & Ph.D., UNC Chapel Hill) is Professor and Head of the Management & Entrepreneurship Department, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee Knoxville. Anne served as Associate Editor at Organizational Research Methods (ORM) for five years and is currently an editorial board member. She co-edited the series Research Methodology in Strategy and Management (Volumes 11-13). Her research has been published in Organization Science, ORM, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management Inquiry and other outlets. Anne is a fellow in the Consortium for the Advancement in Research Methods (CARMA).

Catherine Welch: Catherine Welch is Chair  of Strategic Management at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. She was previously at the University of Sydney, Australia. She has also been Distinguished Visiting Professor at Aalto University, Finland (2019-2022). She has a track record of launching new disciplinary conversations and advocating methodological and theoretical pluralism. Catherine’s research has concentrated on two areas: qualitative research methodology and process approaches to studying firm internationalization. Her work has appeared in leading journals in international business and management, including the full range of major international business journals.  She was the first author on a paper which won the 2021 Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Decade Award. Catherine is the current Book Review Editor of JIBS and is a member of the journal’s Research Methods Advisory Committee 2023-2025. She is Vice-President, Communications, and Newsletter Editor for the Academy of International Business (AIB) Research Methods Shared Interest Group (RM-SIG), of which she was a founding member.   From 2022-2025 she will serve on the AIB’s board as Vice President Programs. She also serves on the AIB’s Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation Award Committee.


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