Dear all,


PhD Positions at KEDGE Business School

KEDGE Business School seeks to fill up up to eight PhD positions in fields of research that are closely related to its Centres of Excellence:

·       Supply Chain Management

·       Sustainability

·       Food, Wine & Hospitality

·       International Business (newly created from January 2022)


KEDGE Business School is AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accredited and a member of the French Conférence des Grandes Écoles. It is a vibrant business school with four campuses in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Toulon), two in China (Shanghai and Suzhou) and two in Africa (Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire). KEDGE Business School offers an international environment, which includes 14,800 students (25% foreign students), 172 full-time faculty members (45% of whom are international) and close to 300 international academic partners. Ranked 34th amongst European Business Schools and 41th worldwide for the Executive MBA by the Financial Times.

Required Profile for the PhD position

·       A master’s degree, preferably in Management Studies or Economics,

·       Proof of fluency in English,

·       A passion for research,

·       Ability to work independently,

·       An interest in topics on which research is being undertaken by KEDGE’s Centres of Excellence.

Candidates for the programme are selected on the basis of their CVs, academic references, and interviews with the potential supervisors.

Job Description

·       Approximately 50% of the position’s time will be dedicated to the completion of doctoral studies,

·       Approximately 50% of the position’s time will be dedicated to providing teaching and research support

Conditions of employment

Our PhD positions are fully funded for a period of up to 4 years. Appointed PhD candidates are employees of KEDGE Business School and will receive a salary of approx. EUR 1900 per month gross, including health care benefits. Following the 3-paper model, a PhD thesis at KEDGE consists of three related academic papers, which are presented at leading conferences and ultimately submitted to high-quality academic journals. The PhD programme offers extensive training in research methods; students are also encouraged to regularly attend research seminars. Our PhD students furthermore are expected to teach on undergraduate and masters’ courses, which is normally undertaken in English. Training in pedagogy is also available.

Successful candidates are appointed on a full-time basis for a duration of up to four years. The PhD positions are intended to start on 1 September 2022. If necessary, there can be flexibility regarding the starting date.

How to apply

Please submit the following documents:

1.    Application form, available on our website:

1.    Statement of purpose (Cover letter)

2.    Curriculum Vitae

3.    Proposal of a potential thesis topic

4.    Grade reports of your MA and BA degrees

5.    A pdf copy of your MA thesis or other research-oriented output (e.g. BA thesis, seminar papers, etc.). This work must be single-authored.

6.    At least one reference letter

Please see additional information on our website.

Send your completed application to the following designated e-mail address:

[log in to unmask]

Please do NOT use the Kedge application platform.

The DEADLINE for applications is 31 May 2022.

In the header of your e-mail, please clearly state your surname and the Centre of Excellence you are applying for, such as: ‘PhD Application, Smith, Sustainability’.

If you wish to be considered for two Centres, please send two e-mails.

Applicants are encouraged to seek additional information from the Heads of the Centres of Excellence:

·       Supply Chains: Frederic Babonneau, Professor, Head of CESIT, Supply Chain Center of Excellence [log in to unmask]

·       Sustainability: Johannes Kraak, Associate Professor, Head of the Centre of Excellence Sustainability [log in to unmask]

·       Food, Wine & Hospitality: Professor Olivier Gergaud, Head of the Centre of Excellence Food, Wine & Hospitality [log in to unmask]

·       International Business: Dorra Yahiaoui, Professor, Head of the Centre International Business [log in to unmask]




Full Professor in HRM

Head of “Management” Department & the Research Centre of Excellence in International Business

Associate Editor at International Journal of Human Resource Management

Editorial Board Member at Human Resource Management (Wiley)

EuroMed Academy of Business - Associate Fellow (AF-EMAB)

Tel. : +33 (0)491 827 859

Domaine de Luminy BP 921
13288 Marseille Cedex 9 – France // [log in to unmask]


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