

Dear colleagues,

Under the umbrella of the EFFORT Project (EFFectiveness Of Responsibility Teaching), a diverse collection of innovative responsibility-related teaching formats has been gathered into a Handbook entitled “Shaping a Sustainable Future: Innovative Teaching Practices for Educating Responsible Leaders” (to be published in Fall 2022).

Join us on June 29th, 2022 at 1.30 – 5.00 pm (CET) for the introduction of the Handbook and a discussion with the authors! You will have the opportunity to participate in training sessions on three innovative teaching formats presented in the Handbook.

The following three teaching formats will be presented:
- Future Scenarios for Sustainable Business Solutions
- Engaging for Sustainability
- Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Future

REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR here and find more info in the flyer attached:

Best, Marina

Marina Schmitz
Lecturer and Researcher at the Coca-Cola Chair of Sustainable Development

IEDC-Bled School of Management
Postgraduate Studies
Prešernova cesta 33

4260 Bled, Slovenia

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