

ITHACA, N.Y. — The Cornell Small Farms Program is hiring! We are excited to share the application for our newest team member, a part-time Online Course Coordinator (Extension Aide IV).

Over the years our suite of distance learning opportunities for farmers has swelled to include over two dozen courses with two dozen dedicated instructors. The Online Course Coordinator will take on most of the administrative tasks related to operating the courses, maintaining quality and consistency, and assisting with making them more inclusive. There is room to grow in this position, to teach or facilitate courses over time, if desired.

We are welcoming applications through May 15. If you have a passion for small farms, helping new farms get started, building a more equitable future for farming, we hope you’ll consider applying. Come join our dynamic team! We look forward to meeting you.

If you have any further questions, contact Erica Frenay, Online Course Manager for the Cornell Small Farms Program.

–Cornell Small Farms Program