

Dear Colleagues,

I want to share an entire course-worth of curriculum "A remote field course implementing high-resolution topography acquisition with geomorphic applications" and accompanying manuscript describing its implementation and outcomes.
This course was taught summer 2020. As such, curriculum was developed and adapted to meet the remote nature of the course.
The course covers Structure from Motion, RTK GPS surveying, manipulating and postprocessing point clouds, and analyzing high-resolution topography data.
This course curriculum is part of NAGT's "Teaching with Online Field Experiences"

The manuscript is: Bywater-Reyes, S. and Pratt-Sitaula, B.: A remote field course implementing high-resolution topography acquisition with geomorphic applications, Geosci. Commun., 5, 101-117,, 2022.
The paper is part of the special issue: Virtual geoscience education resources in Geoscience Communications.


Sharon Bywater-Reyes, she her hers
Assistant Professor
Environmental Geosciences
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department
University of Northern Colorado
Phone: 970-351-1086
Office: Ross Hall 3235J
email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
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