Dear AIB members,


I would like to draw your attention to a AIB 2022: Joint International Marketing Paper Development Workshop which takes place in Miami on the 5th of July (as a part of the pre-conference activities of the AIB 2022 Miami).

Who is This Event For?

Hosted jointly by representatives of the Journal of International Marketing and International Marketing Review,  this workshop is aimed at providing feedback and guidance to participants on papers in one of two stages: (1) Papers that are nearing submission to JIM/IMR or other leading international marketing journals and, as such, are already in full draft form; and (2) Papers that are still at an advanced idea stage, or essentially the front end of a paper through the planned methodology section but without results, discussion, and implications sections developed.

The goal with the first type of paper is to help the authors polish their manuscripts for submission, identifying key weaknesses and areas for improvement.

For the second type of paper, the expectation is that the conceptual arguments and planned methodology are fairly well developed so that the workshop can be used to help course-correct or steer the authors in a direction that will increase the project’s chances for success. Note that the joint PDW is intended for doctoral students and early career academics.


How is This Event Structured?

During the workshop, mentors will provide feedback to participants as to how they can further develop their papers. The workshop will also include a panel discussion on tips for publishing in Journal of International Marketing and International Marketing Review as well as other top journals.

How Can I Submit a Paper?

The deadline for submitting a paper is 15 May 2022 (extended!). Papers should be submitted via AIB’s Online Submission Portal. Once on the website choose the Joint International Marketing Paper Development Workshop”. Papers can be submitted in any formatting style and length, consistent with any of the associated journals; however, they should be in English.

Please note that each participant may submit only one manuscript for the PDW. The cover page of the submission should include all authors’ names, e-mails, and affiliations.

What Should I Do if My Paper is Accepted?

By submitting a paper, at least one of the paper’s authors commits to participate in the workshop if the application is accepted. Manuscripts will be selected based on the suitability for JIM/IMR, quality of their submitted work, and fit with one of the two stages described above. 

NOTE: Participants must be registered for the AIB 2022 meeting before they confirm their attendance at the Joint International Marketing PDW.

PDW Organizers:

Kelly Hewett, The University of Tennessee

Olli Kuivalainen, LUT University



Best Regards,





Olli Kuivalainen

Professor, International Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Academic director, MSc in International Marketing Management

Associate Editor, International Marketing Review (IMR)

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)

School of Business and Management

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: +358 40 358 7020


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