

For those whom are concerned

Please be kind to spread the workshop information bellowed in the AIB network.
Many thanks for all the concern and help (flyer is attached)

Dear Friend and Colleagues

Please be kind to join us on the following workshop.

And welcome to spread this workshop information for those whom are interested.

We look forward to seeing you there !


Topic: 2022 TAOM Innovation Workshop in Distinctive Governance Type

Moderator: Hsi-Mei Chung



Enterprise governance type determines the composition in the board and also the management team. In addition, the distinctive governance type in an enterprise also influences the goal, moving direction, the growth and innovation strategy in this enterprise. In this workshop, the panelists will argue and discuss how and why the distinctive governance in an enterprise may impact its innovation strategy, including the publicly professional enterprise, government-owned or sponsored enterprise, social enterprise, and the family enterprise. This workshop will provide valuable insights in terms of governance and innovation issues. Bellowed are the panelists and the talk topic.

Panelist 1

Hsueh-Liang Wu, Distinguished Professor, Department of International Business, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Talk Topic: Multi-view of Innovation studies

Panelist 2

Bou-Wen Lin, Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, & Vice President of National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan.

Talk Topic: An Experimental Approach for Promoting University-Industry Cooperation

Panelist 3

Kevin Au, Director, CUHK Centre for Family Business, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. & Professor, Department of Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.

Talk Topic: Can Social Enterprises Achieve Social Innovation and Scaling-up by Being Prosocial?

Panelist 4

Alfredo De Massis, Full Professor of Entrepreneurship & Family Business, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy & IMD Business School, Switzerland. Head of the Research Cluster (Dept.) in Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Management Director, Unibz Centre for Family Business Management, Co-Director of Family Business, Lancaster University, UK.

Talk Topic: Innovation in family business: What is different


Time: 2022.05.20 (Friday), PM2:00-PM5:00 (GMT+8)

Form: Virtual + Physical

In person Venue: National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

In person and On line participator, please register here:

The concerned one of the association will send the link to those successfully registered ones before one week of the workshop.



Hsi-Mei Chung, Professor, Department of Business Administration, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan & External Research Group member of Center of The Impact of Family Assets on Corporate Structures and Outcomes (FAMBUSS), University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Please refer the attached flyer for more detailed.



Hsi-Mei Chung, PhD.


Department of Business Administration

College of Management

I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

886-7-6577711 ext. 5911

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