Call for Papers
Journal of Business Research Special Issue on: "Developing resilience: MNEs business model transformation to mitigate major disruptions"
Edited by Giovanna Magnani (University of Pavia); Francesca Sanguineti (University of Pavia); Tamer Cavusgil (Georgia State University); Matt Raskovic (Auckland University of Technology); RUEY-JER “BRYAN” Jean (National Taiwan University)
Submission window: August 30 to October 20, 2022
Full call for papers available here
This special issue seeks contributions, which extend the understanding of MNEs business model transformation in response to major disruptions and environmental challenges. This broad theme encompasses a variety of specific topics that can be studied through a variety of disciplinary, theoretical, and empirical lenses. As a result, the editors encourage contributions from a variety of disciplines, including international business, international entrepreneurship, strategy and organization, political economy, economic geography, regional studies, and cross-disciplinary contributions, as well as theoretical and empirical papers using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Papers aimed at advancing the theoretical frontier of the understanding of how digital technologies can support business model transformation. Indicative but by no means exhaustive issues pertaining to the theme of the special issue include the following:
- the development of business models for resilience and environmental sustainability of MNEs and their global value chains, based on tangible performance indicators;
- the definition of the growth trajectories and business models of SMEs as key partners of MNEs in GVCs and the analysis of their role in the transition towards more resilient business models;
- the deployment of firm capabilities in relation to business model transformation, in responding to external disruptions;
- the role of of non-firm factors in response effectiveness, such as industry effects, firm size (small vs large; privately vs. publicly owned, etc.); and the actual success with the various responses – how effectively firms and industries have been able to withstand the disruptions (empirical studies that report these results);
- the analysis of business model transformation in relation to firms’ response to disruptions, by adopting a process perspective and - according to a dynamic perspective of resilience building processes - i.e. before the disruption (activities such as anticipating risks, contemplating mitigation plans, preventing, etc.); during the disruption (minimizing impact, adapting, etc.); and after the disruption (recovery; reversing the damage, offsetting, etc. ).
- the transition of MNEs with “linear business models” towards “circular business models”: how they reconfigure their organizational structure toward the latter with special attention to how their value chain transitions towards global closed loops.
- the definition of resilience in relation to business model transformation. In this regard, contributions are sought which bring clarity to the nature of resilience, whether it is an ability, capability, process, etc., that may emerge before, during, or after the disruptive event. Resilience arises from the need for the respective contingencies. Yet, it also appears to be context-dependent, for example, resilience may be considered differently when applied by SMEs, MNEs, and at different levels of the GVC. It may also depend on the industry, institutional context, culture, and economy in which the firm is embedded. Accordingly, authors are encouraged to submit papers that explore various stages involved in organizational adaptation and resilience development
- the development of concepts related to resilience. The literature on firm responses to disruptions brought such related concepts as agility to scholarly discourse. What is the relationship between resilience and agility? How are these concepts related and how do they differ? How do these concepts relate to business model transformation?
We look forward to your contributions!
Giovanna Magnani & Team
Giovanna Magnani, PhD
Associate Professor of Management and International Business
Department of Economics and Management
University of Pavia - IT
Via San Felice, 5 27100 Pavia, Italy
phone: +39 0382-986218
personal web site