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How Does Knowledge Travel in Multinationals?
The Role of Global Mobility

Thursday, 28 April 2022
14:00 UTC (View Local Time)



Join us for an in-depth discussion of a key source of competitive advantage in MNCs: Knowledge transfer. This session will feature expert insights from the latest issues of the Journal of International Business Studies. The three articles highlighted in this session focus on the role of global mobility in knowledge transfer and seek to answer how expatriates, inpatriates, and repatriates contribute to organizational success via intra-MNC knowledge transfer.

Save your spot today—registration is free and open to the public, but you must 
sign up by Wednesday, 27 April in order to take part. The research being discussed in this session is available for review using the links in the webinar program below.




Best of both worlds: How embeddedness fit in the host unit and the headquarters improve repatriate knowledge transfer
Fabian Jintae Froese, Sebastian Stoermer, B Sebastian Reiche & Sebastian Klar

The influence of expatriate cultural intelligence on organizational embeddedness and knowledge sharing: The moderating effects of host country context
Sebastian Stoermer, Samuel Davies & Fabian Jintae Froese

How does successive inpatriation contribute to subsidiary capability building and subsidiary evolution? An organizational knowledge creation perspective
Heejin Kim, B. Sebastian Reiche & Anne-Wil Harzing

Fabian Jintae Froese, University of Goettingen
Heejin Kim, Tohoku University
Sebastian Reiche, IESE Business School

Dana Minbaeva, King’s College London
Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University


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