The student will assist with a large field experiment, collect and analyze vegetation and soil data, and contribute to education and outreach efforts – all of which aim to improve understanding of how to reduce annual grass invasion and wildfire
risk on western rangelands. Our research is conducted in collaboration with interdisciplinary scientists, land managers, and sheep producers.
Dr. Kelly Hopping (
website) will be the student’s major advisor. The student will also work closely with colleagues at Boise State University, Brigham Young University,
and the Sawtooth National Forest, in addition to collaborating with others in the Human-Environment Systems community – a group of faculty and students committed to transdisciplinary, team-based, actionable research that addresses real-world environmental
challenges. The student will pursue a M.S. in the Biology program at Boise State University.
The position will begin in summer 2022, with field work starting in July. The start date may be adjusted, if needed.
This position includes support in the form of a graduate assistantship (renewable, 12-month at $20,000), tuition and fee waiver, and health insurance. Funding for research expenses is also included.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Bachelor of Science or Arts (B.S. or B.A.) in Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Rangeland Science, or related field
- Self-motivated, independent, and creative thinker who is enthusiastic about pursuing rangeland research
- Interest working in collaborative, transdisciplinary teams
Preferred Qualifications:
- Quantitative skills, including proficiency using R and ArcGIS, or other statistical and geospatial software
- Rangeland vegetation identification skills
To Apply:
Please send via email in a single file attachment: (1) a cover letter that states why you are interested in this position, your qualifications, and career goals; (2) a CV that includes employment history, with dates of employment; (3) names and
contact information for three professional references; and (4) copies of transcripts (unofficial are fine). Applications should be sent to Kelly Hopping (email: kellyhopping AT Please put “MS application – Targeted grazing” in the email subject line and include your last name in the file name.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received until
May 8, 2022. Applications received after that point may be considered if the position is not filled from the finalist pool. Top candidates will be asked to formally apply to Boise State’s Biology MS program.
All admission decisions must be approved by the Graduate Dean. Boise State University embraces and welcomes diversity in its faculty, student body, and staff. Accordingly, applicants who would add to the diversity and excellence of our academic
community are encouraged to apply.
The full position advertisement may be viewed here:
Kelly Hopping
Assistant Professor
Boise State University
ERB 4137 | (208) 426-4152