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Event Date: 6 July 2022
Extended Application Deadline: 31 March 2022



Need mentorship from experienced scholars on how to develop your research repertoire? Looking to make a compelling case for tenure in today’s job market? Or perhaps you know a junior colleague who would benefit from such guidance? 

Great news! There's still time apply for our Junior Faculty Consortium—its application deadline has now been extended to 31 March. Don't miss this opportunity to get the professional guidance you need to succeed at our 2022 Annual Meeting

Eligibility and application requirements are detailed below—please share them widely with your junior faculty colleagues. Questions can be addressed to our consortium organizer, Xavier Martin, at [log in to unmask]




All junior faculty members who are active in research and teaching in the broad field of international business are invited to participate in the 2022 Junior Faculty Consortium. Although preference will be given to those who have obtained their PhD no more than three years ago, the consortium aims to be as inclusive as possible.




To apply, please e-mail the following two documents to [log in to unmask] by 31 March 2022:

  1. A one-page CV listing your educational background, research accomplishments and interests, what courses you have taught or are interested in teaching, and other information you deem relevant;
  2. A one-page description of your research program, highlighting a current paper or ongoing project on which you would like input, making sure to specify the international or comparative business aspects of the work.

Please send these as two separate Microsoft Word documents, with your surname and forename in the file title (e.g., LastnameFirstnameBio.docx and LastnameFirstnameResearch.docx). Kindly use “AIB JFC 2022 Application” as the subject line for your message.

Accepted participants will later be asked to fill a “career trajectory” form as a basis for further feedback from other participants.




For further information, including the consortium structure and the possibility to apply for a travel grant, please refer to the Junior Faculty Consortium webpage.


AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp
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