To apply, please e-mail the following two documents to [log in to unmask] by 31
March 2022:
A one-page CV listing your educational background, research accomplishments and interests, what courses you have taught or are interested in teaching, and other information you deem relevant;
A one-page description of your research program, highlighting a current paper or ongoing project on which you would like input, making sure to specify the international or comparative business aspects of the work.
Please send these as two separate Microsoft Word documents, with your surname and forename in the file title (e.g., LastnameFirstnameBio.docx and LastnameFirstnameResearch.docx). Kindly use
“AIB JFC 2022 Application” as the subject line for your message.
Accepted participants will later be asked to fill a “career trajectory” form as a basis for further feedback from other participants.