Good Morning,


Please join us for an upcoming webinar in collaboration with FIU’s Continuing Education and the Latin American Chamber of Commerce (CAMACOL).


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Discovering New Business Opportunities with Africa"

 Thursday, March 24 at 12:00pm to 1:30pm

 Virtual Event

About this event

Continuing Education at FIU and FIU CIBER has partnered with CAMACOL, the Latin American Chamber of Commerce of the United States, to deliver a series of virtual webinars as a service to the community. We will have Mr. Salimo Abdula, Chairman of the Business Confederation of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CE-CPLP) who will tell us about business opportunities with Africa. The President of CAMACOL, Mr. Joe Chi, will discuss business opportunities in the United States.

We will also be joined by the Honorable Commissioner Willie Gort. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Jorge N. Zumaeta, Senior Director of the FIU Office of Continuing Education.




Best Regards,


Jillian Avendano, M.S.Ed

CIBER Program Director

Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)

Florida International University
College of Business
11200 S.W. 8th St., MANGO 410
Miami, FL 33199

Direct: 305.348.0623 | CIBER: 305.348.2064
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