

Dear AIB colleagues and friends,

What does it take to build an inclusive governance of global GVCs?
Have you and your colleagues, students, collaborators, or non-academic friends tried to reach a conclusion about this?

Welcome to the Special Panel organised by the Mainstreaming Impact in International Business (MIIB<>) Initiative. As part of the innovative AIB UK & Ireland Chapter 2022 Conference<>, this panel aims to bring academic insights to a wide range of stakeholders and help to cause a positive change!

Please see attached brochure for registration link and panel details. Please share this with your networks of like-minded change makers.

This event is a hybrid. See you virtually on April 9, 2022, at 11.00am UTC+1, or in-person at Reading!

Make IB impactful. Lead a positive change.

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Kind regards,
Dr Elizabeth Yi Wang
Associate Professor of International Business
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Executive Coordinator of the Teaching and Education Shared Interest Group (T&E SIG<>) of the Academy of International Business (AIB)<>
Initiator and Leader of Mainstreaming Impact in International Business (MIIB<>)
Winner of Women of Achievement 2021<>
Winner of Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence 2018

International Business Division<>
Center for International Business at the University of Leeds (CIBUL<>)
Personal Webpage:
Tel: +44 (0) 113 343 6856;  Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Visiting Address: Centre for International Business (CIBUL),  No.14 Cromer Terrace G.08
Postal Address:  Leeds University Business School, Maurice Keyworth Building, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
My recent publications:

  *   How Do MNEs Invent? An Invention-Based Perspective of MNE Profitability<>, Journal of International Business Studies, November 2021, with Kafouros, M., Hashai, No., and Tardios, J.A.
  *   Location still matters! How does geographic configuration influence the performance-enhancing advantages of FDI spillovers?<>. Journal of International Management,  26(3), 2020, with Kafouros, M.
  *   At the Crossroads: International Student Exchanges During the COVID 19 Pandemic. In:  Fang T; Hassler J; Ghauri P (eds.) Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times<>. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021.

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