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EIBA-W: Let’s talk politics: Politics in International Business


Call for Papers

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 29, 2022 (23:59 CEST)
{NOTE: Submitting a paper is not a participation requirement…}



Location: WU Vienna

Dates: June 9-10, 2022

EIBA-W Organizer: Vera Kunczer, WU Vienna ([log in to unmask])

EIBA Sponsor: Jonas Puck, WU Vienna


NOTE: This EIBA Workshop (EIBA-W) is expected to be held as an on-campus, in-person event – with options to join online if travel restrictions due to the current Covid-19 pandemic or other factors so require.


Aim of the EIBA-W on Politics in IB

The aim of this EIBA-W is to bring together junior and senior scholars interested in the overlap of International Business and Politics. We invite paper proposals as well as working paper submissions that will receive useful feedback in an interactive discussion format. Participants without submissions are also very welcome. All will benefit from networking opportunities, senior faculty talks, and expert roundtables.


Topics addressed at the EIBA-W

After decades of economic integration and increasing globalization, firms now face an environment that is characterized by protectionist measures and nationalist movements. Developments and events such as the rise of right-wing parties, the Brexit, trade wars, and increasing nationalism characterize today’s political landscape and entail particularly harmful interventions for firms. Such political changes leave firms in uncertain and unstable environments that lead to more complexities for their international operations. These developments also create instabilities in the political environment due to a transformation from a globally integrated world to a more protectionist society that is marked by anti-foreignism, leading to unpredictable future developments, decreasing international exchange, and essentially complicate international operations. This situation presents a new environment where specifically internationally operating firms must find their way.

The political environment is part of the institutional structures that are besides firm and industry characteristics a shaping aspect for firms’ international strategic behaviour (Peng et al., 2009). One of the objectives of institutions is the provision of an order that regulates the external environment and hence governs firms’ internationalization decisions (Ahuja et al., 2018; Kostova et al., 2019). We still lack knowledge about the consequences of this new political paradigm for firms’ international business operations. Given the importance of the political environment for firms’ international strategies (e.g., Henisz, 2000; Kobrin, 1979), an investigation of those changed conditions provides great relevance for International Business studies.

This EIBA-W seeks to address research questions and relevant topics that investigate the interconnection between International Business and the political environment. The Workshop aims at providing straightforward advice from top researchers on how to conduct research in this field as well as give rewarding insights into relevant future research directions. Furthermore, senior faculty will provide constructive feedback on individual papers.

EIBA-W papers could address the following questions (among others):

·       How do political shocks or turbulences influence firms’ internationalization decisions (e.g., internationalization timing, location choice, entry mode decisions) and MNE operations (e.g., global value chain configurations, HQ-subsidiary relations)?

·       How can firms successfully manage politically uncertain and turbulent host countries? How do firms respond through e.g., corporate political activities?

·       What are the consequences of nationalist and anti-globalization sentiments for firms’ international collaborations?

·       What is the role of corporate political activities in influencing the political environment in host countries?


Preliminary program


June 9, 2022

18:30 Welcome reception


June 10, 2022

09:00-09:30 Morning coffee with breakfast

09:30-10:30 Senior faculty panel: “Research at the interface of Politics and International Business”

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30 Expert roundtables:

o   Quantitative methods in IB research

o   Qualitative methods in IB research

o   Theory building in politics and IB research

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:30 Interactive paper roundtables:

o   Discussing submitted papers in small groups to gain feedback from senior faculty

Idea development roundtables:

o   Discussing and developing research ideas in an interactive manner in small groups with senior faculty

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:00 Senior faculty panel: “The future of research on Politics in IB”

19:00 Dinner


Submission & application details

To participate in this EIBA-W, a paper submission is not mandatory. With or without a submitted paper, the benefits of participation include senior faculty talks, expert roundtables, and social events.

Interested participants who wish to submit their work and receive feedback at the EIBA-W are invited to submit two types of paper (with no preference given to either type):

·       Paper proposals
Paper proposals should not exceed seven (7) pages and a total of 4,000 words. Five (5) pages should be used for the body of the proposal, and up to two (2) pages may be used for references, diagrams, charts, tables, etc. The 4,000-word limit also includes all text from references, diagrams, figures, tables, etc.

·       Full working papers
Interested participants can (also) submit papers that are already at a more developed stage. Full working papers must not exceed 10,000 words, including all references and appendices. A short abstract not exceeding 200 words should be included at the beginning. Use 12pt Times New Roman font and double spacing. All tables, figures, appendices, etc. should be placed at the end of the document, after the references.

Submissions for the EIBA-W on Politics in IB should be sent via e-mail by April 29, 2022 (23:59 CEST) to Vera Kunczer ([log in to unmask]) in PDF format. Author information and title should appear on the first page of each submission. For any formatting questions not already indicated above, refer to the JIBS style guide ( Interested participants may make a maximum of two submissions to this EIBA-W.



Registration for participating in the EIBA-W is mandatory. The registration deadline is May 13, 2022. To register for the EIBA-W on Politics in IB, please send an e-mail to Vera Kunczer ([log in to unmask]).


Participation fees

For current EIBA members (2022), the participation fee is €40 EUR (€20 for PhD students).

The fee for non-EIBA-members is €120 EUR (€80 for PhD students) – which includes EIBA membership for the remainder of the calendar year (2022) and entitles EIBA-W participants to receive all the existing EIBA membership benefits (e.g., being part of a global network, online access to International Business Review (IBR), Progress in International Business Research (PIBR) book series, etc.). More information on EIBA membership and its benefits is available on the EIBA website (

EIBA-W participation fees include: the welcome reception (June 9th); meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and non-alcoholic beverages; coffee break refreshments (June 10th). Participants must cover and organize their travel and accommodation on their own. EIBA-W organizers would be pleased to help with finding and booking accommodation and transfers.


Senior faculty (to be confirmed and extended)

·       Ari van Assche (HEC Montréal)

·       Thomas Lindner (University of Innsbruck)

·       Alexander Mohr (WU Vienna)

·       Jakob Müllner (WU Vienna)

·       Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki (University of Vienna)

·       Jonas Puck (WU Vienna)


Contacts & further information

Vera Kunczer
Assistant Professor
Institute for International Business, WU Vienna
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 1 31336 4366

E-Mail: [log in to unmask]



Ahuja, G., Capron, L., Lenox, M., & Yao, D. A. 2018. Strategy and the institutional envelope. Strategy Science, 3(2): ii-x.

Henisz, W. J. 2000. The institutional environment for economic growth. Economics & Politics, 12(1): 1-31.

Kobrin, S. J. 1979. Political risk: A review and reconsideration. Journal of International Business Studies, 10(1): 67-80.

Kostova, T., Beugelsdijk, S., Scott, W. R., Kunst, V. E., Chua, C. H., & van Essen, M. 2019. The construct of institutional distance through the lens of different institutional perspectives: Review, analysis, and recommendations. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(4): 467-497.

Peng, M. W., Sun, S. L., Pinkham, B., & Chen, H. 2009. The institution-based view as a third leg for a strategy tripod. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(3): 63-81.

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