Greetings! The latest issue of
Human Resource Management is now available (see below). I also want to take this opportunity to thank Ryan Zimmerman and his team for their oustanding work and introduce the new editorial team:
Co Editors-in-Chief
Howard J. Klein, The Ohio State University, USA
Fang Lee Cooke, Monash University, Australia
Executive Editor
Janet H. Marler, University at Albany, USA
Associate Editors
Brian Harney, Dublin City University, Ireland
Crystal M. Harold, Temple University, USA
Brad Harris, Texas Christian University, USA
Wei He, Nanjing University, China
Sunghoon Kim, University of Sydney, Australia
Shaun Pichler, California State University-Fullerton, USA
Caitlin Porter, University of Memphis, USA
Karin Sanders, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Maria del Carmen Triana, Vanderbilt University, USA
Karina Van De Voorde, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Kang Yang Trevor Yu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
We have updated
HRM’s aims and scope, expanded the editorial board, and will have more news to share soon. Please look at the great articles in the most recent issue and consider submitting your work to
HRM is a Financial Times Top 50 Business Journal, strives to be author friendly, and has a 2020 Impact Factor of 5.078
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Human Resource Management Pages: 133-277 March/April 2022 |
treatment of disabled individuals in small, medium‐sized, and large firms
Nick Bacon, Kim Hoque
Jie Wu, Orlando C. Richard, María del Carmen Triana, Xinhe Zhang
Peng Wang, Xiaoping Chen, John J. Lawler
Jia (Jasmine) Hu, Xiaoming Zheng, Benett J. Tepper, Ning Li, Xin Liu, Jia Yu
takes two to tango: Knowledge transfer between expatriates and host country nationals
Yu-Shan Hsu, Yu-Ping Chen, Flora F. T. Chiang, Margaret A. Shaffer
road taken and the path forward for HR devolution research: An evolutionary review
Hussein Kurdi-Nakra, Xuan Kou, Jongwook Pak
dynamics of diplomatic careers: The shift from traditional to contemporary careers
Dan Hart, Yehuda Baruch
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Howard J. Klein, Ph.D.
Professor of Management and Human Resources
Co Editor-in-Chief,
Human Resource Management
2100 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1144
Office: (614) 292-0719 / Fax: (614)