

The University of California - Organic Agriculture Institute is currently recruiting a Postdoctoral Scholar to assist with a couple different surveys of organic growers and other stakeholders across California. 
More information and application details can be found here:
Note that while the position is technically with Univ. of California Riverside, it will actually be based off-campus in California's Central Valley (i.e. Fresno or Davis).
Thanks again for sharing this, please let me know if you have any questions or need further information.

Houston Wilson, Ph.D.
Asst. Cooperative Extension Specialist
Director - UC Organic Agriculture Institute
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
Dept. Entomology, UC Riverside
Wilson Lab Website | @treecrops

Julie Cotton, M.S.
Academic Specialist, 
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
Dept. Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences

currently working from home:
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517-488-7841 m

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