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Significant Contributions to Global Marketing Award


AMA Global Marketing SIG – Significant Contributions to Global Marketing




The AMA Global Marketing SIG invites nominations for the Significant Contributions to Global Marketing Award. This award honors a scholar who has contributed significantly to the field of global marketing.


Nominations (self-nominations are welcome) should include a cover letter not exceeding 1,000 words with a brief demonstration of the nominee’s significant contributions to the global marketing literature including but not limited to, new methodologies, seminal publications, books, awards, or other notable contributions to the field of Global Marketing. Nominees must be members of the AMA Global Marketing SIG at the time of application.


Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of past winners of the AMA GM SIG awards, current/past JIM editors, and other distinguished academics appointed by the board of directors of the AMA Global Marketing SIG. 


The winner will be announced in April and the award will be presented at the 2022 AMA Global Marketing Conference in Crete, GREECE.


Please email your nominations by March 20, 2022 to Goksel Yalcinkaya (AMA GM SIG Chair, [log in to unmask]) and Constantine S. Katsikeas (VC of Awards and Recognition, [log in to unmask]).


Goksel Yalcinkaya, Chair, Global Marketing SIG

Constantine S. Katsikeas, VC of Awards and Recognition, Global Marketing SIG





Goksel Yalcinkaya, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing

Chair, Global Marketing SIG, AMA

Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics

University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH 03824-3547

[log in to unmask]/ p: (603) 862-3376 / f: (603) 862-3383

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