Apologies for cross-posting 

Management and Organization Review 


Understanding Contemporary Chinese MNES: Extending and Challenging International Business Theory  


Guest Editors  

Maoliang Bu,1 Fang Lee Cooke,2 Byung Il Park,3 and Jeoung Yul Lee4,5  

1Nanjing University, 2Monash University, 3Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 4Chongqing Technology & Business University, and 5Hongik University  


Supervising Editor  

Andrew Delios6  

6National University of Singapore  


Preliminary Proposal deadline: May 31, 2022  


The full CFP can be found in the attachment and also here:  



Jeoung Yul Lee, PhD
Professor, Hongik U. School of Business Management, South Korea

Distinguished Professor, Chongqing Technology & Business U., Chongqing, China

Associate Editor, The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3*/2020 Impact Factor 5.546)

Associate Editor, Asian Business & Management (2020 Impact Factor 4.800)

Editorial Advisory Board: International Business Review (2020 Impact Factor 5.915

Editorial Review Board: Journal of Management Studies (FT50/ABS 4*/2020 Impact Factor 7.388),

Management International Review (2020 Impact Factor 3.721),

Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2020 Impact Factor: 5.616),

Management and Organization Review (2018 Impact Factor: 2.400)

Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (2018 Impact Factor: 2.619),

International Journal of Consumer Studies (2020 Impact Factor: 3.864), and

European Journal of International Management (2020 Impact Factor: 2.507)

Editorial Board: Journal of Korea Trade (2019 Impact Factor: 0.628) and 

Forum Scientiae Oeconomia (Scopus)

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