photo of Miami skyline with AIB 2022 event logo overlaid


Pre-Conference: July 5 – 6  |  Main Conference: July 6 – 9

Get recognized for your work at AIB 2022!

Did you or one of your students successfully defend a dissertation in 2021? Great news: Applications are now being accepted for our prestigious Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation Award.

15 February application deadline for this prize is coming up quickly, so here are a few fast facts to bring you up to speed:

  • Who can apply? Members who successfully defended their dissertation with an international business focus during the 2021 calendar year. 
  • What should an application include? A letter of nomination from the student’s dissertation chair and a 5-page abstract of the successfully defended thesis or dissertation.
  • Where do I send my application? Appropriately formatted application materials can be submitted online via the Dissertation Award submission site.

Specific information on eligibility and formatting requirements can be found in our 2022 Awards Page.

If you know any promising young scholars who fit the award's criteria, please encourage them to apply before time runs out! 

The AIB Secretariat


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