

Dear Colleagues, Can you please circulate the conference announcement to the AIB list?



Dear Colleagues,


We are extremely honoured that the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, has agreed to speak at the ESRC-GCRF funded Inclusive Digital Model project (IDMODEL) global high- level conference. The event shall hold online on Friday 25th February 2022, from 9.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m (UK time) on Zoom. You can join the event here.



At the conference, the project results will be presented, and discussions held about how this valuable work can be built upon and replicated in other countries. Other distinguished speakers include experts from the  United Nations, the Commonwealth Secretariat, Bangladesh, Columbia, China, Europe and the UK. 


The conference shall take place on the Zoom platform here; or you can log in using the details below:

Webinar ID:  965 1678 4149

Passcode: IDmodel222


Topic: Digital Technology and Inclusive Development: Inclusive Digital Model (IDMODEL) Project Concluding Conference


See the event poster below & attached. You can kindly share it within your networks.

Learn more about the IDMODEL project here.

Thank you,




Xiaolan Fu, FAcSS

Professor of Technology and International Development

Director, Technology and Management Centre for Development

Department of International Development

University of Oxford



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