

                 [image: Miami 2022.jpg]


*Learning from Uncertainty: *

*Building a Resilient and Sustainable Latin America and the Caribbean*

12th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business (AIB) Latin
America and the Caribbean Chapter (AIB-LAC)

*July 1 – 3, 2022*

*Miami, United States*

The discussion of uncertainties in the world has been a persistent agenda
in business and academia, involving financial crisis, political
instability, institutional changes, and conflicts. A "new normal" usually
settles following turmoils and changes the *status quo*. Although the
consequences of some crises are circumscribed to the country where the
events originated, others disseminate well beyond borders. The coronavirus
pandemic is such a case. Its spread worldwide directly impacted local
communities, mainly in health, social, and economic parameters. A "new
normal" established an unusual behavior around the world. People are
practicing physical and social distancing, using masks and other hygienic
products. Traditional businesses started to execute rapid changes related
to home-office, e-commerce, or creating innovations and new business
models. Traditional universities and schools implemented online and then,
hybrid classes while producing new teaching methodologies. Public
institutions employed digitalization to continue providing public services
to their population. Local governments increased intervention with
restrictions of business hours, people's movement, or even closing borders.
All these changes affected economies, social lifestyles, health conditions,
consumer behavior, and the way of doing local and global business.

In this way, the current period of uncertainty and a "new normal" scenario
bring extraordinary challenges and opportunities to international business
researchers, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This
region has undergone a long history of uncertain times with
political-economic instability. At the same time, LAC firms and
organizations have developed many competencies to navigate turbulent
waters, such as a strong survival instinct, frequent and flexible changes
in short periods of time, business model innovation, and an
internationalization strategy to offset risk in the home market. But, what
about now with this "new normal" situation and uncertainty period? What
kind of learning did LAC firms and organizations have during this
uncertainty period? How do LAC entrepreneurs, firms and organizations
behave? What kind of transformation needs to be done by LAC firms and
organizations? What are the challenges and opportunities for LAC
entrepreneurs, firms and organizations regarding environmental, social,
health, political, and economic issues? What are the strategies adopted by
LAC firms to prosper and compete globally? What are the main changes in
LAC's consumer behavior and business models with these uncertain times?
Which innovations emerge during this uncertainty period?

To address these and other related issues, the Latin American & Caribbean
Chapter of the Academy of International Business (AIB-LAC) announces its *12th
Annual Conference*, "*Learning from Uncertainty: Building a Resilient and
Sustainable Latin America and the Caribbean*," to be hosted by *Florida
International University (FIU)* at its Downtown campus on Brickell Avenue
in *Miami*, from *July 1-3, 2022*.

We want to highlight that the main *2022 AIB Conference* will be held
from *July
5-9, 2022, *in *Miami *at the *Intercontinental Hotel *(0.9 miles from FIU
Brickell). It is an excellent opportunity for AIB-LAC members to attend the
main AIB Conference at a reasonable cost and with much value added (e.g.,
network, knowledge, activities, among other benefits). Additionally, there
is the traditional US holiday on *July 4*, *Independence Day. *It is a
unique chance to experience *in situ *this important cultural celebration.

We cordially invite you to submit your research related to the conference
theme. Also, research more broadly based on international business, and its
particularities in the Latin America and the Caribbean regions will be
welcome. The review of manuscripts will be coordinated by the conference
Program Chair Professor *Mário Henrique Ogasavara* (ESPM, Brazil), with
support from the track chairs listed below.

*Conference Tracks*

*Track Chairs*

*Innovation and Digital Transformation*

*Juan Velez-Ocampo*, *Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia*

*Moema Pereira Nunes*, *Feevale, Brazil*

*Global and Regional Supply Chains*

*José Satsumi López*, *Tecnológico Nacional de México-ITV, Mexico*

*Sabina Mlodzianowska*, *Universidad de Lima, Peru*

*Environmental, Social and Governance Issues in IB*

*Fabiola Monje-Cueto*, *UPB, Bolivia*

*Ana Maria Gomez-Trujillo*, *CEIPA Business School, Colombia*

*International HRM, Global Leadership, and Diversity*

*Maria Beamond*, *RMIT University, Australia*

*Jase Ramsey*, *Florida Gulf Coast University, USA*

*Entrepreneurship and Family Business*

*Indianna Minto-Coy*, *Univesity of West Indies, Jamaica*

*Maria Elo*, *University of Southern Denmark, Denmark*

*International Business in Latin America and the Caribbean*

*Ivan Garrido*, *Unisinos, Brazil*

*Cathy Rubiños*, *Universidad del Pacífico, Peru*

*Political, Financial and Economic Environments and Institutions*

*Diego Finchelstein*, *Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina*

*Jacobo Ramirez*, *Copenhagen Business School, Denmark*

*Teaching and Learning in IB*

*Karla Maria Nava-Aguirre*, *Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), Mexico*

*Cyntia Calixto Casnici*, *University of Leeds, UK*

*Global and Regional Strategy*

*Carlos Rodriguez*, *INCAE, Costa Rica*

*Guido Rojer*, *University of Curaçao, Curaçao*

*Research Methods in IB*

*Silvio Vasconcellos*, *ESPM, Brazil*

*Juan Carlos Sosa Varela*, *Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Puerto Rico*

*International Marketing and Consumer Research*

*Constanza Bianchi*, *Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile*

*Melanie Lorenz*, *Florida Atlantic University, USA*

*Conference Theme “Learning from Uncertainty: Building a Resilient and
Sustainable Latin America and the Caribbean”*

*Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez*, *Universidad EAFIT, Colombia*

*Elizabeth Moore*, *Northeastern University, USA*

Important Dates

§  *Full Paper Submission Deadline*: *January 24, 2022 *

All submissions will be handled through the AIB online submission system.
Please refer to the detailed submission instructions page for additional
information on how to prepare and submit your submission. Submission

§  *Target Communication of Decisions*: *March 1, 2022 *

*Conference Host Institution*

*Florida International University (FIU) Business*

The International Business programs at FIU Business are recognized as being
among the best in the US. The College has established international
prominence through partnerships with over thirty distinguished foreign
universities and an advanced study abroad program. Our undergraduate IB
program is currently ranked second by *US News & World Report* (2020, 2021)
and our international MBA program is ranked third (2021). Numerous other
programs are also highly ranked,
including Real Estate (#1), MSHRM (#2), Online MBA (#10) and Masters in
Marketing (#10), among others. Our faculty and doctoral students maintain
strong commitments to the Academy of International Business (AIB), the
Academy of Management (AOM), and the Strategic Management Society (SMS)
through publishing, editing, reviewing, and maintaining a presence in
conference involvement and organizational offices. The International
Business faculty at FIU includes thought leaders in the field and numerous
current and past officers of AIB, AIB-LAC, AOM, BALAS, IABS, Iberoamerican
AOM, and SMS, among other. Significant international business expertise is
housed throughout all departments within the college. We are excited to
serve as host of the 2022 AIB-LAC annual meeting and look forward to
welcoming you to Miami.

*William Newburry*, FIU

*Conference Host Chair*

*Further Information *

§  AIB-LAC website:

§  AIB events website:

§  Program Chair: *Mário Henrique Ogasavara*, *ESPM, Brazil*

§  Pre-Conference Chair: *Michel Hermans*, *IAE-Universidad Austral,

§  Conference Host Chair: *William Newburry*, *Florida International
University (FIU), USA *

§  Chapter Chair: *Jorge Carneiro*, *FGV EAESP, Brazil*

§  Communication officer: *Diana Bank Weinberg*, *TCU, USA*

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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