Dear AIB post manager.

Please could I post a job advert in AIB-L forum? Please note that this is an updated and new advert. 
Many thanks in advance. 

We are looking for a Full-Time Research Fellow to work with the team at the Centre for Business Prosperity (CBP) at Aston Business School, Birmingham UK, to conduct the project "Innovation, internationalisation and productivity" led by Professor Jun Du and funded by the Productivity Institute. 

An ideal candidate would have background in economics with an interest in international economics and/or IB, and have strong quants skills and ability to work with large granular data. 

More details and to apply can be found here

This is an updated advert with correct link and information. 

Best Regards,
Jun Du
Professor of Economics
Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship Group
Aston Business School
Aston University
B4 7ET
Email: [log in to unmask], Skype: jun.du1, Wechat: Jundu_2014, Twitter: JunDu_Economist, Lindedin: 
Tel: +44 (0)1212043340
Mobile: +44 (0) 7713085539
Office: Main Building SW905B
Centre Director of Centre for Business Prosperity (CBP)
Regional Studies Association (RSA) Chair West Midlands UK.
My research profile here   

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