Dear colleagues,
Please see attached the Post-Conference Briefing for our 2021 "Out of (and Into) Africa" Conference held on October 25-26, 2021, hosted online (through zoom) at Morgan State University. I have also attached the Full Program implemented at the Conference.
In short, the conference turned out to be an outstanding success! And it was a success in multiple ways - number of attendees, number and geographical variety of scholars and presenters, insightful scholarship and presentations, control and fluency of sessions, spirited discussions and opportunities for networking. The conference team is elated with the results, and very appreciative of all our colleagues (many of whom were reached through the AIB listserv) who wish to build upon this early success of the Biennial "Out of (and Into) Africa" conference series. Soon enough, we'll be looking forward to the 2023 edition!
The 2021 Conference Proceedings should be available within another week, and conference highlights video within another two weeks, at the conference website:
Given the overwhelming interest in this biennial conference series, we have started building a sustained
platform for Africa-focused international business research and related data sharing at the Morgan website - a dynamic repository, of sorts, is the objective. Interested IB scholars in Africa-focused research (and/or this developing platform in particular), especially - though not exclusively - those based in Africa and in HBCUs, are invited and encouraged to email
[log in to unmask]. We would very much like to see this platform develop into a sustained and enriched online node for connecting such scholars and scholarship.
Best regards and have a wonderful day!
Dr. Omar J. Khan, Conference Chair
Professor of Marketing and International Business
Fulbright Scholar (2018-19)
Graves School of Business and Management
Morgan State University
Ph: 443-885-3641
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