I am happy to announce the 8th Reading IB conference in conjunction with the 48th AIB-UKI conference will be held at the Henley Business School from 8th-9th April 2022. We are very much intending to run the conference in the traditional format, which means we hope people will be able to turn up in person. We intend to maintain the Reading tradition of open-ended debates and interactive plenary sessions, and at the same time, in the tradition of the AIB-UKI conferences, encourage a broader variety of papers to the parallel sessions. We will also offer a pre-conference doctoral colloquium and dedicated sessions for early career and doctoral researchers. For full details on how to submit, see https://www.aib-uki.org/conference.html The three debates will centre around Inequality, Geography and GVCs. The Conference also welcomes theoretical and empirical papers that go beyond the Conference theme and can encompass all areas of international business. The Main Conference will begin in the morning of Friday 8th April 2022 and close on Saturday 9th April 2022 by 5pm. Several pre-conference activities will be organised, including the AIB-UKI Doctoral Colloquium and Paper Development Workshops. More information on these activities and a preliminary outline of the Conference Programme will be available at https://www.aib-uki.org/conference.html. 17 December 2021 Submission of papers/extended abstracts opens 31 January 2022 Submission for Main Conference deadline 11 February 2022 Submission for Doctoral Colloquium and panel proposals deadline 1 March 2022 Notification of submissions review decisions 7 March 2022 Presenter registration deadline 15 March 2022 Publication of the conference programme Proposals for special panel sessions are welcome and should be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, by 11 February 2022. DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM The Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter organises the colloquium for PhD students. The colloquium will be held at Henley Business School on Thursday 7 April 2022. Instructions for submission at the Doctoral Colloquium will be available at https://www.aib-uki.org/conference.html. For more information, please contact the Doctoral Colloquium Convener, Surender Munjal [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Don't miss this opportunity to drink warm English Lager in a post-Brexit Britain! Lock these dates in! Book your flights! I am attaching the call for papers in pdf, so you may print it and circulate to your loved ones with their Christmas gifts. Rajneesh Narula, OBE, PhD, FRSA The John H. Dunning Chair in International Business Henley Business School, Reading University http://www.linkedin.com/in/narula1 http://goo.gl/Jk8QCj twitter: @narular ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.