Dear Colleagues
I would like to inform you that the Vol.4 No.3 of International Journal of Export Marketing has been published.
IJEXPORTM is in various lists namely, JUFO in Finland, Norwegian in Norway, American in USA, Copernicus in Poland.
Recently, it has been included in ABS1 List of Chartered Association of Business Schools under International Business.
Forthcoming list is the Danish one called BFI.
Please send your papers to IJEXPORTM as a team of scholars is ready to review your paper. There is a blind review process
consisting of 3 reviewers to comment on your paper. Our intention is to improve your paper and not to reject it.
Awaiting your papers to complete V.4 N.4 and be able to enter the Emerging list of Clarivate and Scopus. We need 2 papers
to complete this issue and be eligible to apply for these lists.
Many thanks for your forthcoming contributions in IJEXPORTM.
Best regards
Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (F-EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)
Associate Professor (Visiting) in IB at Aalborg University Business School of the Aalborg University
Visiting Lecturer at School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Tartu
Mob: +35796572295
Researchgate’s web page:
Google scholar citations:
Member of Editorial review board of Journal of Business Research.
Member of Editorial board of Journal of Innovation and Knowledge.
Member of Editorial board of Anatolia.
Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management.
Member of International Advisory Board of International Entrepreneurship Review (IER).
Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing
IJEXPORTM has got recognition by Finnish List (JUFO1, Scientific 1 Level), Norwegian List (Scientific 1 Level), USA List (Cabell’s directory).
IJEXPORTM is listed in the Polish List (ICI Journals master list database for 2019,
Next year 2022 I am expecting that IJEXPORTM will enter both SCOPUS List and the Emerging List of Web of Science.
IJEXPORTM is now in ABS1 List of Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) 2021 under IB:
Editor in Chief of Nordic Journal of Tourism (NJT) (ISSN 2633-4992) of Inderscience Publishers at
Submission of a paper to Nordic Journal of Tourism through Inderscience Publishers:
Cost of an open-access paper: 700 USD payable to Indescience Publishers
Chair of the conference:
4th Nordic IB, Export Marketing , Int. Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Consumer Behaviour and Tourism Conference 2022,
5th to 6th November 2022 at ZOOM.
This is a free of charge conference.
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Sumbissions of articles at: