

Dear members of the AIB community,
This mail is to inform you that Department of Business and Management of Luiss University invites outstanding scholars to express their interest for one full-time Assistant professorship of Strategy. We seek candidates with a strong commitment to research and teaching and the aspiration to contribute to Luiss University's international expansion and visibility. Candidates must hold a PhD from a leading university, preferably have teaching experience, and a relevant record of publications and/or research projects.
Ideal candidates will show a passionate drive to engage in Luiss University's dynamic and stimulating academic environment and contribute to its further development. They will have research experience in strategy and intend to pursue research projects in the field, with a focus on competitive strategy or corporate strategy.
This recruitment campaign is part of the Luiss 2021-2024 Strategic Plan, aimed at strengthening the University's reputation for excellence in research and high-quality teaching (for further calls see:

About the Department of Business and Management

The Department of Business and Management offers undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs. Primary areas of faculty research include accounting and performance measurement systems; business strategy, corporate strategy, international business, corporate governance; digital innovation and transformation; ethics, responsibility, and sustainability; finance and banking; innovation and industry evolution; law and economics; marketing and consumer behaviour; organisation theory and HRM; computer and data science; operations management, supply chain management, circular economy.

For more information on the Department please visit:
For more info on the call in the field of Strategy visit:

Submissions are due by February 15, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Central European Time (CET).

Best wishes,

Prof. Antonio Majocchi
Full Professor
Deloitte Chair in International Management and Global Challenges
Dept of Business and Management
Luiss Guido Carli
V.le Romania 32
00197 ROMA

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