The Inaugural AIB Sustainability Shared
Interest Group
PhD and Early Career Researchers Symposium
Aims of
the symposium
Sustainability has recently become a top priority for international
business (IB) practitioners and researchers alike. In 2021 alone, the Journal of International Business Studies
(JIBS), for example, has
published articles on corporate social responsibility (e.g., Brandl et al.,
2021), the sharing economy (e.g., Kozlenkova et al., 2021), the United Nations’
Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., Montiel et al., 2021), renewable energy
(e.g., Georgallis,
Albino-Pimentel, & Kondratenko, 2021; Hartmann, Inkpen, &
Ramaswamy, 2021), carbon pricing for MNEs (e.g., Nippa, Patnaik, & Taussig,
2021), and sustainability in emerging markets (e.g., Parente et al., 2021). In the
same year, JIBS has called for paper
submissions to a Special Issue on “The Global Scope of Corporate Social
Responsibility”. This wide range of topics, the cross-disciplinary nature, and
linkages to generic topics of IB research have finally found a home in the
Sustainability Shared Interest Group (SIG) of the Academy of International Business
Since its official launch in 2020, the AIB Sustainability SIG
has concentrated its efforts in providing a platform for IB researchers. While
the sustainability topic is relevant and appealing to researchers of all
academic standing, there is a particularly heightened interest among PhD and
early career researchers. The Sustainability SIG would thus like to organize
the first ever symposium for current PhD and early career (within 3 years)
researchers to provide a platform for discussion, exchange, and feedback for
the doctoral student community interested in sustainability and IB.
We thus invite abstract submissions for the first AIB
sustainability SIG doctoral symposium. The event includes (1) a panel
discussion with Q&A, (2) a breakout room session for participants who are grouped
based on topic relevance to share and discuss their research. The event will
take place on 13 December, 8am-10am, Eastern Standard Time. The event will be
online and free of charge to current AIB members.
To take part in the AIB sustainability SIG symposium, please
submit an extended Abstract (maximum 500 words, excluding references) of your
current research project focused on sustainability, by 5 December 2021. Topics
can fall into research fields such as the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals
in IB, sustainability in emerging economics, circular and sharing economy,
sustainability issues related to innovation, and the global value chain as well
as other topics on sustainability in international business research. Abstracts
should be submitted to [log in to unmask]
Notifications for participation will be sent out by 8
December, 2021. The symposium will take place virtually. Questions can be directed
to Martin Heinberg ([log in to unmask]),
Hai-Tao Yu ([log in to unmask]), and Shasha
Zhao ([log in to unmask]).
Confirmed Speakers for Panel Discussion
· Maoliang
Bu, Nanjing University, China
Maoliang Bu is
currently an Associate Professor at Nanjing University and Visiting Professor
at Ivey Business School. He has published in leading academic journals, among
others, NATURE Sustainability, Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS),
Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) and Journal of Comparative Economics. He has
served as an editor for Journal of Business Ethics, Asia Pacific Journal of
Management (APJM), Journal of International Management (JIM), and other
journals. Dr. Bu is also an Adjunct Professor at Hopkins-Nanjing Center (Johns
Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies), and an
affiliated researcher at Copenhagen Business School. Previously, he has worked
as a postdoc/visiting professor at several universities such as University of
Goettingen, University of Wuerzburg, University of Gothenburg and University of
Groningen. He has been awarded a prestigious fellowship from the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation.
· Elizabeth
M. Moore, Northeastern
University, United States
Elizabeth Moore
recently finished her PhD in Political Science. Her research and teaching
interests include formal and informal entrepreneurship, corporate social
responsibility, institutional changes, institutional disruptions, transnational
institutions, pro-market reforms, firm performance, firm resilience, emerging
market firms, and international organizations. Recently, she has analyzed the
connection between firms and governments in responding to natural and man-made
disasters. She has begun exploring this research stream through her
affiliations with both the Global Resilience Institute and the Center for
Emerging Markets at Northeastern. Additionally, she is an active member of the
Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, the Strategic
Management Society, the International Studies Association, and the CUIBE Case
Competition hosted by Northeastern for which she is a Co-Director.
· Anne
Jacqueminet, Bocconi University, Italy
Anne Jacqueminet is
Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Technology of Bocconi
University. She received her PhD in Strategic Management from HEC Paris. Her
research looks at the antecedents, processes and consequences of the strategic
implementation of sustainability practices within complex organizations as well
as stakeholders' reactions to firms' environmental behavior and disclosure. Her
work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Organization
Science, the Journal of International Business Studies, and Advances in
Strategic Management, among others. She received the AIB Peter Buckley and Mark
Casson Best Dissertation Award in 2016 and the AIB Alan Rugman Young Scholar
Award in 2021. Anne is Board Member of the Alliance for Research on Corporate
Sustainability (ARCS). She is responsible for Bocconi's Bachelor Business
Strategy course as well as the PhD course on CSR Strategies.
· Junghoon
Park, City University of New York, United States
Junghoon Park is a PhD candidate in Strategy and Corporate Sustainability at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York. His goal is to help business identify and adopt practices that meet its needs while mitigating negative externalities and increasing positive externalities to sustain the planet that sustains humans. Junghoon investigates mechanisms through which firms respond differently to grand challenges society faces—such as climate change and human health—and how they can better manage their social and environmental impacts. He also examines how corporate sustainability strategies can advance progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. His research has appeared in Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and leading global academic conferences.
Brandl, K., Moore, E., Meyer,
C. et al. The impact of multinational enterprises on community
informal institutions and rural poverty. J Int Bus Stud (2021).
Georgallis, P., Albino-Pimentel, J. and Kondratenko, N.,
Jurisdiction shopping and foreign location choice: The role of market and
nonmarket experience in the European solar energy industry. J Int Bus Stud (2021).
Hartmann, J., Inkpen, A.C. &
Ramaswamy, K. Different shades of green: Global oil and gas companies and
renewable energy. J Int Bus Stud 52, 879–903
Kozlenkova, I.V., Lee, JY., Xiang, D. et al. Sharing economy: International marketing strategies. J
Int Bus Stud 52, 1445–1473 (2021).
Montiel, I., Cuervo-Cazurra, A.,
Park, J. et al. Implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals in international business. J Int Bus Stud 52, 999–1030
Nippa, M., Patnaik, S. &
Taussig, M. MNE responses to carbon pricing regulations: Theory and
evidence. J Int Bus Stud 52, 904–929 (2021).
Parente, R., Melo, M., Andrews, D. et al. Public sector organizations and agricultural catch-up dilemma in emerging markets: The orchestrating role of Embrapa in Brazil. J Int Bus Stud 52, 646–670 (2021).