How do MNEs Engage with Policies Aimed at
Promoting Green Energy?

Thursday, October 28, 2021
11am EDT (View Local Time)



How do MNEs engage with policies aimed at promoting Green Energy? Academic experts, recently published in the Journal of International Business Studies, will take a deep dive into this topic in our next AIB Journals Webinar.

Save your spot today—registration is free and open to the public, but you must 
sign up by Wednesday, October 27 in order to take part. The research being discussed in this session is available for review using the links in the webinar program below.




The role of business models in firm internationalization: An exploration of European electricity firms in the context of the energy transition
René Bohnsack, Francesca Ciulli, Ans Kolk
Presented by: Francesca Ciulli, Tilburg University

MNE responses to carbon pricing regulations: Theory and evidence
Michael Nippa, Sanjay Patnaik, Markus Taussig
Presented by: Markus Taussig, Rutgers University

Jurisdiction shopping and foreign location choice: The role of market and nonmarket experience in the European solar energy industry
Panikos Georgallis, João Albino-Pimentel, Nina Kondratenko
Presented by: Panikos Georgallis, University of Amsterdam

Klaus Meyer, Western University
Erin Bass, University of Nebraska Omaha




Weren't able to catch our previous webinars during the live broadcast? Never fear! AIB members can access recordings of these events directly from our login portal. As an exclusive members-only bonus, we've also included downloadable copies of each presenters' slideshow presentations.


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