Would you please share this update with students in your department (and any other relevant departments at your college or university)? We have decided to extend the application deadline to Monday, Oct. 25. The recipient will be selected by November 8, 2021. Additional information about the scholarship is copied below. Thank you, Dr. Zachary Curtis Chair, Scholarship Committee Michigan Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> COPY TO: Daniel Kesselring, Chapter Secretary; Kelly Goward, Scholarship Committee Member miSWC ==== Additional Information === The Michigan Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (miSWCS) is offering a $750 Scholarship to eligible applicants through the Michigan Scholarships in Conservation Program for the Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Academic Year. Applicants must meet the following requirements: 1. Be an undergraduate enrolled in an agricultural, natural resources, or conservation curriculum at an accredited Michigan college or university. 2. Be a full-time Sophomore, Junior or Senior in the fall semester of the academic year for which the scholarship is awarded. Students can download the Application form from the miSWCS website, or they can request the form directly from the Chapter Secretary. Here is the web-site link (forms are about ½ way down the page): http://www.miglswcs.org/awards-jobs-and-scholarships/scholarships/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.miglswcs.org/awards-jobs-and-scholarships/scholarships/__;!!HXCxUKc!hBu1jPk0N5ESEgJelBEuzKlUsxwIO28ZIPG5rsf-UU2yAehv_IifgSHGR2q1_NX7$> Applications for the scholarship must reach the Scholarship Committee by October 25, 2021. The recipient will be selected by November 8, 2021. The recipient will be invited to attend the Michigan Chapter's 2021 (virtual) Annual Meeting in early December 2021, to be introduced as our 2020-2021 Michigan Scholarships in Conservation Program recipient. Applications should be emailed to: Daniel F. Kesselring, Secretary Michigan Chapter SWCS 113 North Dr. E. Marshall, MI 49068 | [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>