

Dear All, 


To gather and share experiences that would support and improve PhD education, AIB Teaching & Education SIG interviewed the winner and the finalists of Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award.  


In the special issue – the newsletter Vol 4.,- on the PhD Education you are welcome to read insights on what helped the award finalists to complete their PhD degree with international recognition.  


Read the newsletter Vol 4. here: 


We believe this special issue on PhD education in IB will give PhD educators and students a better idea on how to support high-quality PhD education. We sincerely thank all the excellent PhD researchers who spent their precious time to share their valuable experiences with the AIB community.  


The insights on PhD education is planned to be a regular column in the AIB T&E SIG’s newsletters. We invite you to share your insights on how to be a better PhD supervisor, or how to be a better PhD candidate! If you are interested to contribute, welcome to contact Yuxue Luo ([log in to unmask]) who is leading the PhD Education column.  


On behalf of AIB Teaching & Education SIG, 


With best regards, 


Yuxue Luo 

PhD researcher 

University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China 

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