Faculty positions at Tecnologico de Monterrey
Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico, one of the Top Universities in LatinAmerica, invites
applications for Full-time and Online Visiting Faculty
in the following areas:
International Business> International logistics operations, Managing international services, Supply Chain, International treaties, Global
operations, International Negotiations and Agreements.
We offer our professors the opportunity to develop into one of the following tracks that
match their profile: Consulting, Entrepreneurship, Educational Innovation or Research.
If you are interested in the research track, you should know that at our institution research
is highly valued and strongly supported through a reduced teaching load (if research objectives are met), access to internal and external research funds, excellent facilities, and a collaborative, research oriented environment.
Either as an
Online Visiting or as a Full-time Professor, you will be expected to take a leadership role in your area of expertise, developing and teaching courses in English, and actively participating in the life of the school. The salary
is competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications and a comprehensive benefits package is provided as well.
Application procedure:
Interested candidates should submit an application package including the following: curriculum vitae, cover letter, evidence of academic credentials that might
include student evaluations, etc. Please send application package by email to:
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Review will begin immediately and will continue until positions are filled.
Application information:
Contact person: Karen Aguayo e-mail: [log in to unmask]
About Tecnologico de Monterrey
Tecnologico de Monterrey is a private non-for-profit institution with 26 campus distributed
in Mexico. It has more than 89,000 current students and 230,000 graduates. Our mission at
Tecnologico de Monterrey is to educate proactive, humanistic and internationally competitive leaders of the industry, academia, government and business fields. With over 100 academic programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, we have established
a reputation for providing educational experiences of the highest quality and fit for an increasingly globalized and digitalized world.
For more information about Tecnologico de Monterrey, please watch this video and
visit: https://tec.mx/en
Follow #NegociosTec for more information.
Karen Marián Aguayo Cano
Faculty Recruiter
Tecnológico de Monterrey
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