Dear Colleagues, We are happy to present a set of new digital resources to support your teaching: AIB T&E SIG’s video capsules. These are brief (5-10 min) interviews with IB practitioners on thought-provoking topics. Such interviews can be easily integrated in a lecture or assigned for watching after the class. We are grateful to and honored by having one of the first video capsules designed and created by Professor Robert Grosse, the Past President, Academy of International Business and Director, Latin America Thunderbird School of Global Management. We plan to expand the project, having interviews from different parts of the world and in different languages (with English subtitles). Thus, we would like to hear what topics would be of your interest, and would you like to join making the capsules? Please share your views by filling in a short survey: []<> Fill | AIB T&E SIG Video Capsules - Survey<> We would like to know about your interests in our new digital resource available to AIB members. Watch the first video capsules and read more about the AIB T&E SIG’s video capsules, here: []<> Video capsules - AIB Teaching and Education Shared Interest Group (SIG)<> Video cases from around the world? Yes! This is what AIB Teaching & Education SIG's video capsules are all about. We are creating a collection of short (5-10 min) video capsules, which feature interviews with international business leaders and professionals. With them we discuss topical questions about international business opportunities and challenges. Video capsules aim to We are looking forward to hearing from you! AIB T&E SIG ………………. Have a good day! Dr. Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto Casnici Teaching Fellow in International Business Deputy Programme Director - MSc International Business Board Member - Director for the Rest of the World, AIB-LAC Centre for International Business | Leeds University Business School University of Leeds | Room 1.19 | 10 Cromer Terrace | Leeds | LS2 9JR ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.