Dear AIB colleagues,
Would you please circulate this call for papers.
Special Issue on Qualitative Comparative Analysis
20 Sep 2021
Special issue Call for Papers
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Business Research
This Special Issue of EJBRM invites submissions that address concerns related
to any aspect of the application of Qualitative Comparative Analysis in the disciplines of management and business.
Next year marks 35 years since publishing of The Comparative Method by Charles
Ragin which introduced Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), a comparative case-oriented research approach, based on the Boolean algebra, and aimed at providing a causal analysis. The method while popular among social science researchers (Berger, 2016) is
only recently becoming more accepted in management and organisational studies. As many of the research problems and questions identified within the business and management literature are complex and suggest multiple causal configurations, the QCA appears particularly
well suited to those studies.
Papers should address what can be established using QCA or provide comparisons
with alternative methods within the context for the same research study. We are looking for novel, inspiring, and cutting-edge QCA applications (using both crisp and fuzzy sets) that stimulate further discussion of the research potential of this method. We
are not looking at mechanistic applications of the QCA, but rather applications that would potentially improve organisational practice and be of value to managers, practitioners and policy makers.
Berger, E. (2016) Is Qualitative Comparative Analysis an emerging method?
Structured literature review and bibliometric analysis of QCA applications in business and management research. In Berger, E. and Kuckertz, A. (eds)
Complexity in entrepreneurship, innovation and technology research: Applications of emergent and neglected methods, FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Springer International Publishing, 287-309.
This call is open until
31 January 2022. Enquiries can be sent to Branka at [log in to unmask]
Dr Branka Krivokapic-Skoko is
currently a Professor in Management at School of Business, Charles Sturt University, Australia. Branka’s research method interests are particularly around comparative case studies, Qualitative Comparative Analysis, and mixed method designs. Her Ph.D. thesis
used the QCA in analysing the emergence of business networks in New Zealand agriculture.
Branka Krivokapic-Skoko
School of Business| FOBJBS
Charles Sturt University
Panorama Avenue
Tel: +61 2 63384428
[log in to unmask]" alt="AS_CMYK_Bronze Award_300dpi">[log in to unmask]">
Charles Sturt University in Australia The Grange Chancellery, Panorama Avenue, Bathurst NSW Australia 2795 (ABN: 83 878 708 551; CRICOS Provider Number: 00005F (National)). TEQSA Provider Number: PV12018
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