Vacancies in Entrepreneurship – Tilburg university
As part of a continuing growth initiative, the Management Department of Tilburg University invites applications
for two positions of assistant professor or associate professor in entrepreneurship. We are able to hire applicants to join the Department in any month during 2022. We are looking for candidates with a PhD in entrepreneurship with demonstrated excellence in
entrepreneurship research in the form of multiple top publications, plus evidence of strong teaching, service, and grant application ability. We welcome applications from individuals with research interests in entrepreneurship, startups, corporate entrepreneurship,
corporate venturing, and business innovation. The candidates will join the research group of Strategy and Organization at the Department to grow our initiatives in entrepreneurship. Ph.D. candidate applicants will be expected to complete their Ph.D. prior
to taking up employment.
Application Procedure
Shortlisting and interviews will start from 1 November 2021, although applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. Applicants should submit (1) a motivation letter, (2) a curriculum vitae with a reference list, (3) a research statement,
(4) a main work-in-progress research paper and two other examples of research, (5) a teaching statement, and (6) teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching ability. We will be conducting selected interviews first via Zoom. Questions about the application
may be addressed to the secretary of the recruiting committee at [log in to unmask].
Senior applicants who wish to inquire confidentially about a position may contact the Heads of Department Prof. dr. Carol Ou ([log in to unmask])
and Dr. Aswin van Oijen ([log in to unmask])
The Department of Management
Within the Department, the Strategy and Organization section conducts research in entrepreneurship, strategic renewal, strategy, international business, business models, new venture growth and survival, family business, tech startups and digital entrepreneurship.
Our colleagues adopt a variety of methodological perspectives in their fundamental and applied research. The Department has a very strong research orientation with a focus on high-quality publications. Faculty members publish widely in UT Dallas journals such
as ASQ, AMJ, SMJ, OrgSci, JIBS, MgtSci, MISQ, ISR, JOC, JOOM, POM and MSOM, as well as in entrepreneurship journals such as the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. We aim to maximize
the research time available to research-active faculty and working conditions are otherwise comparable to major research universities in Europe and North America. Compensation is competitive and among the top in the Dutch universities. In addition, we provide
guaranteed travel and starting research budgets. Faculty moving to the Netherlands may be eligible for 30% tax abatement for a period of five years.
To get more information about the vacancies, please visit:
Elena Golovko, PhD
Associate Professor
Organization and Strategy
Tilburg University
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
PO Box 90153 - 5000 LE Tilburg - The Netherlands
Room K1128 – email:
[log in to unmask] - phone: +31 13 466 8216