The website is here: SHIFT 2022 | University of Greenwich . The details of call for papers for AJBE special is as below:
We are inviting articles that discuss and study business ethics (education issues and others) in the new digital age and under post Covid-19 norms and also cases (with teaching notes) which are can drive business ethics values on practitioners and learners of businesses.
Some of the questions whose answers we are looking forward to are:
1. What kind of ethical values should be bestowed to online learners and what should be the pedagogy?
2. Should ethics in virtual work environment be a standalone course or should be part of Business Ethics course in the Business School curriculum?
3. What are best practices for aligning employees towards appropriate behaviour in virtual work environment and how best to assess them?
4. What are ethical dilemmas plaguing all the stakeholders in businesses in current times?
5. What should be the pedagogical approaches to business ethics education in the new normal. Will multi-media cases, video cases be more appropriate in business ethics education in a digitalized world , especially in the post covid situation?
We invite scholars, practitioners and policy makers from various disciplines to submit their conceptual and empirical papers on various issues pertaining to business ethics in virtual work environment, from the perspectives of educators, practitioners and policy makers. Submission deadline for manuscripts is January 31, 2022. All manuscripts will go through regular double-blind review process as stipulated by AJBE. Accepted papers are expected to be published both online and as a Special Issue in December 2022.
Co-Guest Editors for the Special Issue:
Dr Sonali Bhattacharya (Lead Co-Guest Editor)
Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management Human Resource Development, Symbiosis International University, India
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Dr Donelson R. Forsyth
Professor, The Leo K. and Gaylee Thorsness Chair in Ethical Leadership, The University of Richmond, USA
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Dr Wim Vandekerckhove
Professor of Business Ethics and co-Director of the Centre for Research in Employment and Work (CREW), University of Greenwich, UK
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ail: [log in to unmask]
Dr Samir Chatterjee
Professor Emeritus, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
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Dr Georges Enderle
John T. Ryan, Jr. Professor Emeritus of International Business Ethics, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, USA
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Dr Ananda Das Gupta
Professor & Member, Expert Team, Sustainable Advancements India and Editorial Board Member, Philosophy Of Management, Springer
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Dr Venkatesha Murthy
Assistant Professor, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, IIT Jodhpur, India
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