Birmingham Business School at the University of Birmingham is a world-leading institution and global thought leader in responsible business. We hold triple-crown accreditation with EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. We are seeking to appoint a Chair in Strategy and International Business to lead world-class research and deliver research-led education that supports the strategic priorities of the School, aligning also with the University’s broader strategy regarding sustainability and ‘research that matters’. The postholder will be expected to engage with colleagues within and outside the School to support and develop research agendas around responsible international business and sustainability. The Department of Strategy and International Business is a Centre of Excellence for research in International Business. We conduct internationally-leading research on: internationalisation of firms in and from emerging economies, entrepreneurship, innovation and global value chains, international strategic alliances and merger & acquisitions, and methodological approaches in international business research. Our research regularly appears in world elite and top journals in the field of international business and beyond. The postholder will be expected to have an outstanding international reputation in the international business scholarly community. Main Duties * Develop, plan and lead research activities and programmes of outstanding quality and international repute in International Business * Develop and lead collaborative working arrangements with academics in cognate areas to deliver outstanding research and teaching. * Lead major funding bids which develop and sustain support for international business and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) research. * Publish high-quality internationally recognised outputs. * Develop sustained and strong relationships with relevant external organisations. * Participate actively in the development of the School’s research agenda, identifying and building collaborations inside and outside the University. * Champion and provide academic leadership in international business internally and externally. * Provide teaching leadership and deliver research-informed teaching across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. * Actively seek and promote interdisciplinary research partnerships within the School, across the University or with external bodies. Person Specification * Outstanding and sustained international research and/or education profile, evidenced by a substantial record of international quality outputs (4* publications) and achievements * Proven ability to plan and lead the delivery of research and/or teaching programmes * Successful and sustained collaborations with other teams/institutions and significant and sustained success in obtaining external grants * Track record of attracting and successfully supervising high quality doctoral students * Delivering excellence in the design and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and the student learning experience * Track record in translating research into academic and societal impact and engaging with policymakers, business leaders and practice * A PhD in a relevant discipline The School is strongly committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and is particularly seeking applications from underrepresented groups. Applications will be assessed against the stated criteria and on merit. Informal Enquiries – Professor Catherine Cassell, Dean of Birmingham Business School ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) or Dr Linda Hsieh, Head of Department of Strategy and International Business ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) Closing date: 3 October 2021 To download a full job description and details of this position and submit an electronic application online please visit ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Linda H.Y. Hsieh<> Reader/Associate Professor in International Business Birmingham Business School University of Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)121-414-3127 [signature_2085484737] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.