

Michigan Organic Listserv Newsletter

August 13,2012

Center for Regional Food Systems

Desk of Vicki Morrone-Organic Farming Specialist

To help you and your crops grow-using organic practices

This info is to help you not promote any company or goods.

News for crop production

MSUE Vegetable Crop Report-a weekly offering

I think you will like this new format of the Michigan vegetable crop report. Check it out. If you like it you can sign up for it to be sent to you weekly.

Click here to sign up

– Aug. 11, 2021 sample

Benjamin PhillipsBenjamin WerlingMichael ReinkeMary HausbeckSushila ChaudhariZsofia SzendreiZachary HaydenDaniel BrainardJeffrey AndresenJaime Willbur and Jan ByrneMichigan State University Extension - August 11, 2021

Heat and humidity characterized this last week, and late comers to preventive fungicide management are playing catch up. Insects featured this week include beetles and caterpillars.


Watch the weather update here.

Dewpoints have been at the top end of normal the past few days and will continue the next few days. Overnight temperatures have also been high. For the past week, most of the state was a few degrees above normal. Most areas of the state picked up 0.5-2 inches of precipitation. Degree day totals are still several calendar days ahead of normal.

Soil moisture varies from below normal, especially in the Thumb and western Upper Michigan, too much above normal.

There was an outbreak of severe weather overnight last night in northern and central parts of the state, with high winds, some trees down and power outages. Precipitation is expected to total up to 0.5 inches for the week ending next Wednesday, with some spotty heavier rain.

General farm stand management

Since many stands are up and running right now, here are some observations to keep your stand looking like a shop instead of a charity.

Self-service stands suffer most from inattention in these hot summer days,and choosing a good location for the stand is important for top-quality product. Afternoon shade from trees or buildings is good, but a stand that has permanent awnings can ensure shade most of the day.

Too much sun dullens the sheen on tomatoes, peppers and summer squash/zucchini. “New” potatoes turn green when exposed to sunlight and become bitter.

Heat will shrivel produce as well, and the industry calls this “shrink”. A grass or dirt location will stay cooler than asphalt. When asphalt cannot be avoided, such as at pop-up markets, keeping most of the produce in a trailer or in coolers can help maintain quality. Consider swapping out or refreshing display produce after a while.


Bionutrient Institute Lab Providing Free Produce and Soil Testing

The Bionutrient Institute is an organization focused on connecting soil, plant, and human health to improve the nutritional quality of the planet's food supply. They have received funding to provide a limited number of free produce and soil tests for farmers to expand their open-source library of nutrient information. To participate, growers will submit food and soil samples and share information about how those crops were managed. In return for their participation they will receive a detailed report on the levels of antioxidant, polyphenol, and mineral content in their produce and the total carbon, respiration, pH, total and Mehlich III extractables, exchange capacity and mineral content of the soil in which each food sample was grown. Learn more.


The Bionutrient Institute is an organization focused on connecting soil, plant, and human health to improve the nutritional quality of the planet's food supply. They have received funding to provide a limited number of free produce and soil tests for farmers to expand their open-source library of nutrient information. To participate, growers will submit food and soil samples and share information about how those crops were managed. In return for their participation they will receive a detailed report on the levels of antioxidant, polyphenol, and mineral content in their produce and the total carbon, respiration, pH, total and Mehlich III extractables, exchange capacity and mineral content of the soil in which each food sample was grown. Learn more.



Educational Opportunities


Technical Support Available For Your Wash-pack Project this fall  --


Here are a few opportunities to gain insight and tools to assure your farm is practicing smart food safety!


Check out these six Twilight Highlight Workshops below!

Our team of specialists from SCRUB (Sanitizing and Cleaning Resources for yoUr Business) is available to help you overcome a post-harvest bottleneck, or improve your wash/pack .

These “Twilight Highlight Workshops” our team limited number of farms as they plan and implement projects to address one of six specific wash/pack topics listed below.

Space is limited to 15 farms for each topic. To indicate your interest in participating please complete a short form at:

Please sign up by August 16th.

Farms that sign up for individual assistance with their projects will be asked to take part in a virtual-workshop with other growers working on the same topic, where challenges, plans and resources are discussed as a group. As a participant, you will:


Building skills for confident buyer-supplier conversations about farm to institution food safety-


Looking at possible new markets-check this out!

2 - 3 p.m. | Zoom Webinar

Having a conversation about a supplier’s on farm food safety practices can help a buyer feel confident that the produce they are purchasing has been grown and handled safely. This webinar will feature guest speakers from University of Michigan Dining and the Marquette Food Co-op who will discuss how they have built relationships with local farms rooted in two-way communications about food safety.


Title: Technical Support Available For Your Wash-pack Project this fall  --

Check out these six Twilight Highlight Workshops below!


Our team of specialists from SCRUB (Sanitizing and Cleaning Resources for your Business) is available to help you overcome a post-harvest bottleneck, or improve your wash/pack .

These “Twilight Highlight Workshops” our team limited number of farms as they plan and implement projects to address one of six specific wash/pack topics listed below.

Space is limited to 15 farms for each topic. To indicate your interest in participating please complete a short form at:


Please sign up by August 16th.

Farms that sign up for individual assistance with their projects will be asked to take part in a virtual-workshop with other growers working on the same topic, where challenges, plans and resources are discussed as a group. As a participant, you will:


SCRUB  Twilight Highlight Schedule

(Sanitizing and Cleaning Resources for your business)

All virtual workshops are held live on Wednesday evenings, 6-8:30 pm, and will also be edited and posted for future viewing.


September 1st – Bin Blitz--Experienced growers and UVMs Ag Engineering present new strategies and cleaning tools to increase the efficiency and efficacy of bin cleaning, sanitation, and management practices. Lead growers show and tell their bin systems, with lessons learned. Participants leave with a plan to improve/ implement new practices.


September 8th, – Low Cost and High Value--Evaluate low-cost (either money or time) improvements that make a big difference. Experience growers show and tell the thrifty improvements they made and summarize lessons learned., including trade-offs of spending money (or not) to lower risks and increase efficiency. 


September 15th 2021 – Wash/Pack Floors--Learn to improve or repair a concrete floor so that it is smooth and easy to clean. This workshop highlights concrete repair, cleaning and sanitation techniques, water management, products and resources, as well as show and tell from experienced growers, and Chris Callahan (UVM’s Engineering)


September 22nd, 2021 – Wash Water Management--Experienced growers and facilitators dig into the fundamentals of managing produce wash water, including show and tell with lessons learned about wash water management, use and monitoring of sanitizers. All participants leave with a plan to improve/ implement new practice 


September 29th, 2021 – Tools for Employee Management and Empowerment--Develop management strategies/systems to retain and empower high-value workers, while improving crew morale and culture.. Learn from experienced managers of loyal and reliable crews, the pros and cons of their current management systems, and how they came to be. Participants leave with resources and a plan to improve/ implement one or more new practices or strategies.


October 6th, 2021 – Bubblers/Aerators for Greens Washing--For growers wanting to install or improve a greens bubbler/aerator. Get feedback from growers who built / improved their own systems. Examine designs and DYI resources, as well as perceived quality and efficiency gains from bubblers as compared to other washing methods.




Support Local Farms


Growing Hope Farm Offers a Farm to Table Experience with Local Chefs!

Come and join in the fun evening

Chef Abby Olitzky and Steve Hall will be taking over the Growing Hope Urban Farm i

Located in Ypsilanti, MI to bring you the first evening of Chefs in the Garden on September 12th. For tickets go here.


Spencer is a small neighborhood restaurant and wine shop in downtown Ann Arbor. 


In a note on their website, Chef Abby and Steve describe their philosophy on serving their patrons:  "We focus on the best ingredients, we make our food with only the utmost care, we consider each bottle of wine to be a treasure and, perhaps most importantly, we have the best team in the world."


Get your tickets for the other evenings here, Sept 26, Chef Sean Marshall and Oct 10, Chef Brandon Johns:


Support Local Research


Seeking Farmer Help-We want your weed seeds!!!

Request for Farmer Cooperators for MSU Research Project:

Rapid adaptation of weeds to agricultural environments

Can you let me collect seeds from lambsquarters, marestail and ragweed from your farm?


About Me: My name is Robin Waterman and I am a PhD student in Plant Biology at Michigan State University, based at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station in Hickory Corners, MI. I can be reached via email- [log in to unmask] or phone- (860)-333-7184.


Project Summary: While a lot of research has focused on how weeds evolve herbicide resistance after they become established in fields, less is known about how weeds first become so successful. After all, crop fields are very different from wild habitats. For my project, I plan to collect seeds and leaves from three common annual weeds (lambsquarters, marestail, and ragweed), growing in both agricultural and non-agricultural habitats in Michigan. Organic fields are ideal because weeds must adapt to a variety of stresses, rather than overwhelmingly to herbicides. I will then use these materials to carry out greenhouse and field plot experiments, along with DNA sequencing. My results should shed light on whether differences between weeds growing in vs. outside of fields are due to rapid evolution or weeds adjusting to the agricultural environment during development. This study may also inform management strategies by providing insight into how similar the same weed species are across the state, and whether the weeds found in fields tend to come from nearby wild areas or other agricultural fields.


How you can help me with this research?: I would like your permission for field access to collect seeds and leaves from weeds growing on your farm this August-October, ideally just prior to crop harvest. The only outcome of my collecting should be a reduction in weeds; no change in your practices is requested. All field sizes, geographic locations in the lower peninsula of MI, and crops will work, but ideally the farm will have at least 20 plants from at least one of my three weedy species of interest. One to two site visits will be needed to collect seeds and leaves. You will be contacted prior to any visits. Based on the initial data, I may request returning to collect non-destructive environmental data (photosynthetically active radiation, soil moisture, soil N). After I have analyzed the data, I will provide you with a report of my findings. If you are interested in cooperating with this project or would like to learn more, please contact me by email or phone at [log in to unmask] or phone- (860)-333-7184.

Thank you for considering this request.




Organic Farming Research Foundation Accepting Research Grant Applications

The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) is now accepting Letters of Intent for their research grant program. This grant cycle, in addition to continuing support for farmer-led research, OFRF is prioritizing applications from early career researchers and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). The program aims to foster the next generation of researchers and support historically underserved and marginalized communities, while also ensuring all farmers have the most up-to-date and science-based information. OFRF is reserving half of their grants for BIPOC applicants. Learn more and apply by August 20.


Organic Farming Grant Program Accepting Letters of Intent

Farmers Advocating for Organic (FAFO) is a grant program funded entirely by annual, voluntary contributions from Organic Valley farmers. It is the largest farmer-funded grant program in the U.S. and one of the few focused solely on organic farming. The FAFO fund addresses the long-term needs of the organic marketplace and the future of organic agriculture by supporting the development of long-term solutions. One-time grants are awarded in the amounts of $5,000-$50,000, with an average grant award of $20,000. Two grant cycles occur per year. Learn more and apply for the current cycle by September 1.





Vicki Morrone

Organic Farming Specialist

Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University

480 Wilson Rd

East Lansing, MI 48824

517-282-3557 (cell)

[log in to unmask]

sorrone11 (skype)


Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice be heard.



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