Hello AIB community,

I just wanted to share new research focussing on Caribbean securities markets where these constitute some of the world's biggest offshore financial centres where an estimated 40% of FDI passes through these locations (Damgaard et al, 2019). My recently published paper - available through weblink below - presents new evidence regarding the institutional dimensions supporting such offshore activity:


I extend some revealing insights into the evolution of offshore jurisdictions as well as the first comprehensive study of the Caribbean's securities markets. I really do hope you all find this useful and thank you for your time in reading this email!

I wish you all a good summer and autumn with return to teaching.

Best Wishes,
Bruce (Hearn)

Damgaard, J., Elkjaer, T., & Johannesen, N. (2019). What Is Real and What Is Not in the Global FDI Network? IMF Working paper WP/19/274. Washington: US

Professor Bruce Hearn
Professor (Chair) of Accounting & Finance
University of Bradford School of Management, 
Bradford. BD7 1DP. United Kingdom.

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Deputy Director (Bradford): White Rose Sustainable Growth, Management and Economic Productivity Pathway  https://wrdtp.ac.uk/

Visiting Professor of Accounting & Finance, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

I don't expect you to respond to my email outside your working hours. At the University of Bradford we value and encourage flexible working patterns, so please be assured that I respect your working pattern and I am looking forward to your response when you are next working.
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