

From: Somers Smott <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 6:59 AM
To: Schneider, Jim <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Virginia Marine Resources Commission - Fisheries Management Job for FWGRADJOBS
Hi there!

The Virginia Marine Resources Commission is hiring a Fisheries Management Scientist. Details below –

This position requires the ability to perform complex data analyses and interpretation of fisheries and ecological data through the use of statistical software and must be proficient in coding language. It requires strong abilities in public speaking and technical writing.  The successful candidate must be able to disseminate information through the development of fisheries management plans, reports, and presentations, to address marine fisheries management in Virginia, for fisheries managers, industry-based professionals, and the general public. This position requires producing and providing written and verbal evaluations (in concurrence with the Chief and Deputies) on issues before the Commission.  It also requires developing regulatory language, and acting as species-specific experts for the Agency. The successful candidate must be able to represent the Agency and Virginia’s seafood harvesting practices and businesses through inter-jurisdictional fisheries management with ASMFC and MAFMC. This position requires the technical ability to serve on scientific committees and in workgroups through the ASMFC, MAFMC, and other partner organizations. This position works under minimal supervision.

For more details and to apply, click here:<;!!HXCxUKc!gloPVMudXMvGLxFchfPwL48aArvadJpkNsDmBOL-ifI5XxU5zgtxkEFwYH1CHpMJfw$>.

Thanks and Go Green!

Somers Smott
Fisheries Management Scientist
Virginia Marine Resources Commission
380 Fenwick Road
Ft. Monroe, VA 23651
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Office: 757-247-2004; Cell: 757-268-2705
In office: Mon-Weds 7am-4pm
Remote: Thurs 8am-5pm; Fri 8am-2:30pm