

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Dear AIB colleagues, it keeps being challenging to get MNE executives into the classroom to informally -close to the students- speak about their IB experience, given travel restrictions and lockdowns coming and going!

In the meantime, you may be interested in two recent publicly available teaching video playlists I have created in the past months, with ongoing regular uploads of CEO interviews – Please use as you see fit:


IB and Covid-19 (executive interviews):


Doing Business in Asia (executive interviews):


These conversations cover, among other: What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean for multinational business working across Asia and/or Asia-Pacific?  How to enter Asian markets? How to manage the diversity of the Asian business environment? And its many cultural nuances? How to lead subsidiaries, whether in India, Japan or elsewhere? How to make sure teams have Asia-capabilities and what does that mean? What is the impact of TPP and geopolitical shifts in the region for MNEs? How does talent mobility shape the business landscape (pre-and through Covid)


Feel free have your learners subscribe to get informed about new uploads. Coming up next: Interviews with viewpoints from Salesforce (IB, market strategy & customer experience), Pearson APAC (Olympics 2021; Japan as a HQ) and Boeing Defence (cross-Asian experience, and Fragomen (Talent mobility shifts across Asia through Covid).


Not trying to compete with any highly professionally filmed recordings, the interviewees simply conversate with me providing real-life case illustration of IB. This can be used entirely or in sections, as IB material supporting any teaching program in this field, or else in extension and addition to the case studies and examples provided in the business book "Doing Business in Asia",  a textbook including a vast range of case studies that I recently published with Prof. Terence Tsai (CEIBS) and Associate Prof. Sumati Varma (University of Delhi).


Hoping you will find these useful!

Kind regards & keep enjoying the fabulous AIB 2021 conference ( including our ‘Doing Business in Asia’ panel),



Professor Gabriele Suder

RMIT University

Melbourne, Australia

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