

Greetings all,

Please see attached a posting for a PhD in STEM Education at the University of Maine, led by Dr Kate Ruskin (Ecology & Environmental Sciences) and co-advised by me! The project is centered around assessment of a large initiative at UMaine aimed to increase the availability of and engagement with research learning experiences for undergraduates, and thus looks broadly at the efficacy of experiential learning (more details in the attached). Applications from those with a geoscience background are certainly welcome.

The nature of the funding is such that the turnaround is pretty quick (application review has begun - but is not yet closed). Apologies for the short notice, but please do apply if you're interested! Feel free to get in touch with myself and/or Dr Ruskin if you have any questions.



Dr Alison Jolley (AJ) | (she/her)
Lecturer, Academic Development
Te Puna Ako - Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Mobile: +1 604 445 7160  |  [log in to unmask]
Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato  |  University of Waikato  
Private Bag 3105  |  Kirikiriroa Hamilton  Aotearoa New Zealand
Editor, Volcanica
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