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National Institute on Scientific Teaching Solve My Problem organizing co-chair

Elly Vandegrift 

Program Director, Global STEM Education Initiatives
Global Studies Institute
University of Oregon

From: National Institute on Scientific Teaching <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 9:48 AM
Subject: NIST Summer Workshop: Solve My Problem
NIST Summer Workshop: Solve My Problem
Register Now

Are you interested in working with a small group of science faculty this summer to develop strategies for addressing a teaching challenge?  Are you interested in participating in a supportive, collaborative community where you can exchange ideas and develop solutions for your own teaching context?

We invite you to participate in Solve My Problem, a new initiative from the National Institute on Scientific Teaching. When you register, you will select a topic from a list of challenges; topics include strategies for developing an inclusive syllabus, orchestrating effective group work, changing the culture around grading, and navigating the return to in-person teaching (among others). 

Following an opening workshop on June 22, small groups will meet regularly online over the course of 4 weeks to focus on specific problems and develop strategies that you can use in your courses. Solve My Problem will conclude on July 20 with a wrap-up workshop, where participants will share strategies and materials that they developed.


Registration deadline: June 15


Additional information 

Descriptions of topics 

Registration form

Have any additional questions, e-mail us at: [log in to unmask] 
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