[cid:[log in to unmask]] A new issue of AIB Insights is ready to read. [cid:[log in to unmask]]As an AIB member, you need insights you can use to keep improving your your teaching and research. Fortunately, we've got a fresh collection of short, applied articles that provide "Actionable International Business Insights". A table of contents for our newly published edition of AIB Insights is available below—Volume 21, Issue 2<https://insights.aib.world/issue/3217> is a “Special Forum on Research Methods in International Business”. We hope you find these articles helpful. For all the latest AIB Insights news, be sure to visit the publication's new website<https://insights.aib.world/>. TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL Letter from the Editors: Special Forum on “Research Methods in International Business”<https://doi.org/10.46697/001c.24425> Roberta Aguzzoli (Guest Editor), Emma Gardner (Guest Editor), William Newburry (Associate Editor) ARTICLE The Adoption Challenge: An Analysis of Research Methods in JIBS<https://doi.org/10.46697/001c.23472> Stewart R. Miller, Catherine Welch, Agnieszka Chidlow, Bo Bernard Nielsen, Diletta Pegoraro, Maria Karafyllia ARTICLE Bringing Research Closer to Reality: Configurational Analysis and Practical International Business Research<https://doi.org/10.46697/001c.24381> Stav Fainshmidt, Kira Haensel, Daniel S. Andrews ARTICLE (Social) Identity Theory in an Era of Identity Politics: Theory and Practice<https://doi.org/10.46697/001c.13616> Matevz (Matt) Raskovic ARTICLE After TikTok: International Business and the Splinternet<https://doi.org/10.46697/001c.21943> Maximilian Stallkamp ARTICLE Global Pandemics and the Economics of Value Chains: COVID-19 and the Production of Medical Devices<https://doi.org/10.46697/001c.24402> Lilac Nachum ANSWER THE CALL A new special issue of AIB Insights seeks submissions focusing on challenges and insights to managing sustainable development in IB, with a deadline of August 30, 2021. Please see the call for papers<https://insights.aib.world/post/952-call-for-papers-managing-sustainable-development-in-international-business> for full details. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.