

Do you have a paper that can benefit from comments from senior faculty?  Do you want to learn some of the nuances of how to publish? Then the Global Strategy Journal Paper Development Workshop at the AIB Annual Meeting is where you want to be. Please submit your paper by June 10 at
Best wishes, Alvaro

Academy of International Business 2021 Annual Conference


Global Strategy Journal Paper Development Workshop

Online, Saturday, June 26, 2021

Submission Deadline: June 10, 2021

Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) is the leading journal on global strategic management research. It aims to shape the direction of conversations on the interaction between the global context and strategic management. It is a journal of the Strategic Management Society. More information on the journal and the society is available at

The Paper Development Workshop (PDW) is offered in connection with the 2021 AIB Annual Meeting. The PDW will be held on Saturday, June 26, 2021, from 13:00 to 15:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) as part of the pre-conference activities.

This PDW provides scholars with developmental feedback on their current papers and research projects. The PDW is open to all scholars, but preference is given to doctoral students and early career academics. Co-Editors, Associate Editors, and Consulting Editors of GSJ will provide detailed feedback to the authors in a roundtable discussion format. The workshop will also invite peer feedback from the other participants to offer a rich developmental experience to the authors. While we hope that many of the participating papers will be eventually submitted to GSJ, the purpose of the PDW is broader: to improve the quality of global strategy research by providing quality feedback, and to bring new scholars into the field.

The senior mentors are Gabriel Benito, Co-Editor; Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Co-Editor; Timothy Devinney, Consulting Editor; Ajai Gaur, Consulting Editor; Marcus Moller Larsen, Associate Editor; Shige Makino, Associate Editor; Ram Mudambi, Co-Editor; Lucia Piscitello, Associate Editor; Anupama Phene, Associate Editor; and Steve Tallman, Founding Editor

Prospective participants in the 2021 GSJ PDW are invited to submit their paper manuscripts via the AIB submission system ( by June 10, 2021. Each participant may submit only one manuscript for the GSJ PDW. The cover page of the manuscript should include all authors' names, e-mails, and affiliations. Manuscripts will be selected based on the fit with the journal and the quality of their submitted work. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their submissions by June 15, 2021. Participants will be required to register for the AIB 2021 meeting<>.

GSJ PDW 2021 Key Dates:

  *   June 10, 2021. Deadline for paper submissions (via the AIB submission system)
  *   June 15, 2021. Notification of acceptance to successful applicants
  *   June 26, 2021. GSJ-PDW takes place
  *   June 28-July 2, 2021. AIB Annual Meeting

Gabriel R.G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School

Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University

Ram Mudambi, Temple University

Co-editors of Global Strategy Journal


  Professor, International Business and Strategy, Northeastern University

   Co-editor, Global Strategy Journal<>

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