Good Morning,


We invite you to join:


FIU CIBER’s International Business Seminar Series this Thursday July 1st 2021 from 11am-12pm EST.


Register below:


The pandemic effect in Latin America may be unlike anything the region has seen before. Physical store closures, coupled with government-mandated stay-at-home orders, lack of vaccines will hurt retailers’ bottom lines this year, mostly due to lack of sales. Organizations have revised their total retail sales figures downward.

Each Country has unique set of circumstances, including its government’s ability to contain the pandemic and mitigate potential economic downturns. In the Americas, the US and Canada are leading the recovery. Is there a path forward and what will it take to get the other countries going? How to accelerate sales post the pandemic era everywhere?

A panel of experts will discuss alternatives to enable sales from the point of view of training and education of the next generation of salespeople.




Best Regards,


Jillian Avendano, M.S.Ed

CIBER Program Director

Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)

Florida International University
College of Business
11200 S.W. 8th St., MANGO 410
Miami, FL 33199

Direct: 305.348.0623 | CIBER: 305.348.2064
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