Dear Colleagues,


You are cordially invited to attend the 10th annual Workshop on Talent Management, to be held online on October 4 and 5, 2021. Following the nine highly successful Workshops held in Brussels in 2012 and 2013, Berlin in 2014, Valencia in 2015, Copenhagen in 2016, Barcelona in 2017, Helsinki in 2018, Toulouse in 2019, and a virtual session in 2020, the 2021 Workshop is intended to continue providing a forum for academic debate on the rapidly growing field of talent management. The Workshop has a strong developmental focus and as such encourages research which may be in progress as well as completed research. Among our regular participants, chairs, guests, and keynote speakers are such renowned scholars as Paul Evans, Randall Schuler, Paul Sparrow, Susan Jackson, David Allen, Hugh Scullion, David Collings, Marion Festing, as well as many other outstanding scholars.


Our keynote speaker this year will be Nicky Dries, a Research Professor at the KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Belgium. 


The call for papers can be found here:  To present a paper at the workshop, authors should submit a (up to) 3-page abstract by June 15, 2021. Please note, however, that there is no requirement to submit and present a paper - some of our attendees come just to listen, learn, comment, and participate in our lively discussions.


We look forward to seeing you in October!


Best regards,




Vlad Vaiman, PhD
Professor, Associate Dean


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60 West Olsen Road #3550 | Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 | USA

Phone: 805.493.3892 | Fax: 805.493.3213

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University Faculty Profile


Chief Editorial Consultant, European J. of Int‘l Management

Editor, Emerald Book Series on Talent Management

Editor, European Management Review


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