Scopus CiteScore 2019: 3.1, CABS (UK) #2, ESCI status, ranked by ABDC list (Australia) at level B. JGM is also ranked in Nordic countries and Brazil. 



Journal of Global Mobility  

Table of Contents: Volume 9, Issue 2:  

What goes around comes around. Exploring how skilled migrant founder–managers of SMEs recruit and retain international talent 

Marian Crowley-Henry, Edward P. O'Connor, Blanca Suarez-Bilbao 

Specific work-life issues of single and childless female expatriates: an exploratory study in the Swiss context 

Xavier Salamin 

Does gender matter? Gender talent migration and its implication for talent management 

Marina Latukha, Mariia Shagalkina, Ekaterina Kalinina, Daria Khasieva 

Host country language proficiency and identity: Spanish self-initiated expatriate nurses in Germany 

Juan Miguel Rosa González, Michelle Barker, Dhara Shah 

Working effectively and living contentedly in a foreign country: what human capital do expatriates require and develop? 

Reimara Valk 

The influence of personality on individuals' expatriation willingness in the context of safe and dangerous environments 

Ebru Ipek, Philipp Paulus 

Organizational culture and cultural diversity: an explorative study of international skilled migrants in Swedish firms 

Ali Farashah, Tomas Blomquist 


To access the abstract of an article published in this issue, please just click the title.  If this does not work, please go to and proceed to the current issue. 


Submit a new manuscript now for the next available issue of the Journal of Global Mobility: 


Stay safe and healthy.

Best regards,


Professor Jan Selmer, Ph.D.
Founding Editor-in-Chief

Journal of Global Mobility (JGM)

Department of Management, Aarhus University

Latest Book: McNulty, Y. & Selmer J. (Eds.) (2017), Research Handbook of Expatriates. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Electronic version

New Article:  Stoermer, S., Lauring, J., & Selmer, J. (2020), “The Effects of Positive Affectivity on Expatriate Creativity and Perceived Performance: What is the Role of Perceived Cultural Novelty?”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Download
New Article:   Stoermer, S., Lauring, J. & Selmer, J. (2020), “Job Characteristics and Perceived Cultural Novelty: Exploring the Consequences for Expatriate Academics' Job Satisfaction", International Journal of Human Resource Managament. Download
New Article:  Stoermer, S., Lauring, J. & Selmer, J. (2019), “Does Angry Temperament Undermine the Beneficial Effects of Expatriates’ Proactive Personality?, European Management Review. Download.
New Article: McNulty, Y., Lauring, J., Jonasson, C., & Selmer, J. (2019), “Highway to Hell? Fit-Dependent Expatriate Crisis Events and How to Deal with Them”, Journal of Global Mobility. Download

New Article: Lauring, J., Selmer, J. & Kubovcikova, A. (2019), "Personality in Context: Effective Traits for Expatriate Managers at Different Levels", International Journal of Human Resource Managament. Download

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