


AIB Senior Faculty Consortium  

Academy of International Business 2021 Annual Meeting, June 29-July 3, 2021, online 


Fast Facts 

Workshop Date: Sunday June 27, 2021, 08:30-12:30 UTC or 16:30-20:30 UTC 

Application Deadline: May 31, 2021 

Consortium Chair: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University 

Contact info: [log in to unmask] 


Why a Senior Faculty Consortium? 

The Academy of International Business has held Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortia as part of its annual meeting for many years. The large number of attendees and positive feedback are testimony to their value to participants. These two consortia focus on issues affecting individuals early in their academic careers: the Doctoral Consortium provides guidance on how to succeed in the dissertation and job market, while the Junior Faculty Consortium offers suggestions on how to succeed with the research program and progress through promotion and tenure to become an associate and full professor, or equivalent titles.  

However, once individuals reach the status of full professor, new issues emerge for which there is little guidance offered at the conferences. The AIB Senior Faculty Consortium is designed as a forum for discussing how to succeed as a senior faculty and tackle the new challenges that emerge as a full professor. It will analyze four issues relevant for senior faculty: (1) research: keeping research active (2) impact: turning research into practice and having a societal impact, (3) advancement: breaking barriers and paving the way, and (4) career: university leadership, career changes, and retirement.  


Who should attend the Senior Faculty Consortium? 

The Senior Faculty Consortium is open to all senior members of the Academy of International Business. The term senior is defined broadly as including all full-time faculty that have reached the level of full professor or equivalent in their academic system. The consortium will discuss a broad set of issues that are relevant for senior faculty at multiple levels. These include individuals who have just become full professors; those who have been full professors for some years and are considering or have taken new roles in the university; and those close to or already retired and who want to continue being active in academia. 

This consortium is not designed for doctoral students or junior or mid-career faculty (assistant and associate professor or their equivalent levels). These are encouraged to register instead for the Doctoral or Junior Faculty Consortia.


Who is organizing the Senior Faculty Consortium? 

The Senior Faculty Consortium is designed and organized by the AIB Fellows. This is part of AIB Fellows’ strategy to contribute to the annual meeting and the development of future generations of scholars and Fellows. The presenters and moderators are all AIB Fellows. The organizer of this first consortium is Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra. 


How is the Senior Faculty Consortium structured? 

The consortium will run two parallel tracks to accommodate the time differences in the online annual meeting. One track will take place from 08:30 to 12:30 UTC to accommodate participants in Africa/Europe, and Asia/Pacific. Another will happen from 16:30 to 20:30 UTC and is designed for participants in the Americas, and Africa/Europe. Participants will select the track that best suits their time zone.  

Confirmed panelists for Track 1 are: Paul Beamish, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Nakiye Boyacigiller, Timothy Devinney, Charles Dhanaraj, Saul Estrin, Ajai Gaur, Anne-Wil Harzing, Arie Lewin, Jane Lu, Sarianna Lundan, Yadong Luo, Dana Minbaeva, David Reeb, Elizabeth Rose, Bodo Schlegelmilch, Paul Vaaler, George Yip 

Confirmed panelists for Track 2 are: Raj Aggarwal, Mary Yoko Brannen, Tamer Cavusgil, Nicole Coviello, Jose de la Torre, Charles Dhanaraj, Jonathan Doh, Maria Tereza Fleury, Cristina Gibson, Tarun Khanna, Tatiana Kostova, Donald Lessard, Marjorie Lyles, Klaus Meyer, Ram Mudambi, William Newburry, Becky Reuber, Saeed Samiee, Jagdish Sheth, Rosalie Tung, George Yip, Sri Zaheer 

The consortium is organized as four sequential panel sessions lasting 55 minutes with a 5-minute break between them. In each session, the first 35 minutes are devoted to a panel discussion in which panelists will provide their thoughts on the topic, followed by a Q&A period. In the following 20 minutes, each panelist will move into a breakout room with participants to have a conversation on the ideas presented.  

The panel sessions will cover the following four topics:  

(1) Research: Keeping research active; navigating research and publishing with multi-person teams of varying ranks/cultures/geographies; changing research topics; publishing non-academic journals and books.  

(2) Impact: having a societal impact; turning research into practice; joining boards; becoming involved in national and international public policy networks (e.g., UNCTAD, OECD, UN 2030 SDGs); finding opportunities for service in local communities.  

 (3) Advancement: identifying insider/outsider issues facing senior women/minority/cross-culture faculty; breaking barriers; mentoring and paving the way.  

(4) Career: making major career changes; moving into university leadership; changing institutions and visiting appointments; transitioning into retirement and making a difference post-retirement.  

The panel sessions will run at these times:  


Track 1 (08:30 to 12:30 UTC) 

(for Africa/Europe, and Asia/Pacific) 

Track 2 (16:30 to 20:30 UTC) (for the Americas, and Africa/Europe) 


08:30-08:35 UTC 

16:30-16:35 UTC 

Panel 1: Research 

08:35-09:30 UTC 

16:35-17:30 UTC 

Panel 2: Impact 

09:35-10:30 UTC 

17:35-18:30 UTC 

Panel 3: Advancement  

10:35-11:30 UTC 

18:35-19:30 UTC 

Panel 4: Career 

11:35-12:30 UTC 

19:35-20:30 UTC 

Conclusions & survey 

12:30-12:40 UTC 

20:30-20:40 UTC 


How can I participate in the Senior Faculty Consortium? 

Space is limited to facilitate interactions in the Q&A and breakout rooms, so please register early. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2021. To apply, please register on the website and upload one three-page single-spaced document that contains a two-page curriculum vitae (include major positions, publication and accomplishments) followed by a one-page reflection on your current and future career desires/issues. Please name the MS Word or pdf document with your Last and First Name in the title file (e.g., LastnameFirstName.doc or LastnameFirstName.pdf). 

You will be notified by email on or before June 10, 2021, if your registration has been accepted and will be asked to confirm your participation in the consortium. If your registration has not been accepted, your name will be placed on a waiting list. Should you need to cancel for any reason, please notify the organizer so that your seat can be given to someone on the waiting list. 

To attend you need to be an AIB member (you can check your membership number here: and have registered for the conference (you can register here: 

Are there additional resources relevant to the Senior Faculty Consortium? 

Some materials may be distributed by email before and after the consortium. 


Who can answer my questions about the Senior Faculty Consortium?  

If you have any questions, please email the organizer, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra ([log in to unmask]). Kindly use “AIB 2021 Senior Faculty Consortium” as the subject line for your message. 


  Professor, International Business and Strategy, Northeastern University 

   Co-editor, Global Strategy Journal   

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